]> Shamusworld >> Repos - architektonas/commitdiff
Make selections encompass Dimension objects.
authorShamus Hammons <jlhamm@acm.org>
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 03:26:39 +0000 (21:26 -0600)
committerShamus Hammons <jlhamm@acm.org>
Sat, 11 Feb 2017 03:26:39 +0000 (21:26 -0600)
src/dimension.cpp [deleted file]
src/dimension.h [deleted file]
src/drawdimensionaction.cpp [deleted file]
src/drawdimensionaction.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/dimension.cpp b/src/dimension.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1e9b785..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,676 +0,0 @@
-// dimension.cpp: Dimension object
-// Part of the Architektonas Project
-// (C) 2011 Underground Software
-// See the README and GPLv3 files for licensing and warranty information
-// JLH = James Hammons <jlhamm@acm.org>
-// WHO  WHEN        WHAT
-// ---  ----------  ------------------------------------------------------------
-// JLH  04/04/2011  Created this file, basic rendering
-// JLH  03/14/2013  Updated to new connection system
-#include "dimension.h"
-#include <QtGui>
-#include "geometry.h"
-#include "mathconstants.h"
-#include "painter.h"
-Dimension::Dimension(Vector p1, Vector p2, DimensionType dt/*= DTLinear*/, Object * p/*= NULL*/):
-       Object(p1, p), endpoint(p2),
-       dragging(false), draggingHandle1(false), draggingHandle2(false),
-       length(p2.Magnitude()), dimensionType(dt), size(0.25)//, point1(NULL), point2(NULL)
-       // We set the size to 1/4 base unit. Could be anything.
-       type = OTDimension;
-//     dimensionType = DTLinearHorz;
-How to move: click once moves only the object/point clicked on, all connected
-objects deform themselves accordingly. click twice selects ALL connected objects;
-all objects move as a unified whole.
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Draw(Painter * painter)
-       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 2.0, Qt::DotLine));
-       if ((state == OSSelected) || ((state == OSInactive) && hitPoint1))
-               painter->DrawHandle(position);
-       if ((state == OSSelected) || ((state == OSInactive) && hitPoint2))
-               painter->DrawHandle(endpoint);
-       if (state == OSSelected)
-               painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::cyan, 1.0 * Painter::zoom * size, Qt::SolidLine));
-       else
-               painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1.0 * Painter::zoom * size, Qt::SolidLine));
-       painter->SetBrush(QBrush(QColor(Qt::blue)));
-       // Draw an aligned dimension line
-       Vector v(position, endpoint);
-       double angle = v.Angle();
-//     Vector orthogonal = Vector::Normal(position, endpoint);
-       Vector unit = v.Unit();
-       linePt1 = position, linePt2 = endpoint;
-// Horizontally aligned display
-#if 1
-       Vector ortho;
-       double x1, y1, length;
-       if (dimensionType == DTLinearVert)
-       {
-               if ((angle < 0) || (angle > PI))
-               {
-                       x1 = (position.x > endpoint.x ? position.x : endpoint.x);
-                       y1 = (position.y > endpoint.y ? position.y : endpoint.y);
-                       ortho = Vector(1.0, 0);
-                       angle = PI3_OVER_2;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       x1 = (position.x > endpoint.x ? endpoint.x : position.x);
-                       y1 = (position.y > endpoint.y ? endpoint.y : position.y);
-                       ortho = Vector(-1.0, 0);
-                       angle = PI_OVER_2;
-               }
-               linePt1.x = linePt2.x = x1;
-               length = fabs(position.y - endpoint.y);
-       }
-       else if (dimensionType == DTLinearHorz)
-       {
-               if ((angle < PI_OVER_2) || (angle > PI3_OVER_2))
-               {
-                       x1 = (position.x > endpoint.x ? position.x : endpoint.x);
-                       y1 = (position.y > endpoint.y ? position.y : endpoint.y);
-                       ortho = Vector(0, 1.0);
-                       angle = 0;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       x1 = (position.x > endpoint.x ? endpoint.x : position.x);
-                       y1 = (position.y > endpoint.y ? endpoint.y : position.y);
-                       ortho = Vector(0, -1.0);
-                       angle = PI;
-               }
-               linePt1.y = linePt2.y = y1;
-               length = fabs(position.x - endpoint.x);
-       }
-       else if (dimensionType == DTLinear)
-       {
-               angle = Vector(linePt1, linePt2).Angle();
-               ortho = Vector::Normal(linePt1, linePt2);
-               length = v.Magnitude();
-       }
-       unit = Vector(linePt1, linePt2).Unit();
-//     angle = Vector(linePt1, linePt2).Angle();
-//     ortho = Vector::Normal(linePt1, linePt2);
-       Point p1 = linePt1 + (ortho * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p2 = linePt2 + (ortho * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p3 = linePt1 + (ortho * 16.0 * size);
-       Point p4 = linePt2 + (ortho * 16.0 * size);
-       Point p5 = position + (ortho * 4.0 * size);
-       Point p6 = endpoint + (ortho * 4.0 * size);
-The numbers hardcoded into here, what are they?
-I believe they are pixels.
-#if 0
-       // Get our line parallel to our points
-       Point p1 = position + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p2 = endpoint + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p3 = position + (orthogonal * 16.0 * size);
-       Point p4 = endpoint + (orthogonal * 16.0 * size);
-       Point p5 = position + (orthogonal * 4.0 * size);
-       Point p6 = endpoint + (orthogonal * 4.0 * size);
-       // Draw extension lines (if certain type)
-       painter->DrawLine(p3, p5);
-       painter->DrawLine(p4, p6);
-       // Calculate whether or not the arrowheads are too crowded to put inside
-       // the extension lines. 9.0 is the length of the arrowhead.
-//     double t = Geometry::ParameterOfLineAndPoint(position, endpoint, endpoint - (unit * 9.0 * size));
-//     double t = Geometry::ParameterOfLineAndPoint(pos, endp, endp - (unit * 9.0 * size));
-       double t = Geometry::ParameterOfLineAndPoint(linePt1, linePt2, linePt2 - (unit * 9.0 * size));
-//printf("Dimension::Draw(): t = %lf\n", t);
-// On the screen, it's acting like this is actually 58%...
-// This is correct, we want it to happen at > 50%
-       if (t > 0.58)
-       {
-               // Draw main dimension line + arrowheads
-               painter->DrawLine(p1, p2);
-               painter->DrawArrowhead(p1, p2, size);
-               painter->DrawArrowhead(p2, p1, size);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-               // Draw outside arrowheads
-               Point p7 = p1 - (unit * 9.0 * size);
-               Point p8 = p2 + (unit * 9.0 * size);
-               painter->DrawArrowhead(p1, p7, size);
-               painter->DrawArrowhead(p2, p8, size);
-               painter->DrawLine(p1, p1 - (unit * 14.0 * size));
-               painter->DrawLine(p2, p2 + (unit * 14.0 * size));
-       }
-       // Draw length of dimension line...
-       painter->SetFont(QFont("Arial", 8.0 * Painter::zoom * size));
-       Point ctr = p2 + (Vector(p2, p1) / 2.0);
-#if 0
-       QString dimText = QString("%1\"").arg(Vector(endpoint - position).Magnitude());
-       QString dimText;
-       if (length < 12.0)
-               dimText = QString("%1\"").arg(length);
-       else
-       {
-               double feet = (double)((int)length / 12);
-               double inches = length - (feet * 12.0);
-               if (inches == 0)
-                       dimText = QString("%1'").arg(feet);
-               else
-                       dimText = QString("%1' %2\"").arg(feet).arg(inches);
-       }
-       painter->DrawAngledText(ctr, angle, dimText, size);
-       if (hitLine)
-       {
-               Point hp1 = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
-               Point hp2 = (p1 + hp1) / 2.0;
-               Point hp3 = (hp1 + p2) / 2.0;
-               if (hitFlipSwitch)
-               {
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine));
-                       painter->SetBrush(QBrush(QColor(Qt::magenta)));
-                       painter->DrawArrowHandle(hp1, ortho.Angle() + PI);
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 2.0, Qt::DotLine));
-               }
-               painter->DrawHandle(hp1);
-               painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1.0 * Painter::zoom * size, Qt::SolidLine));
-               if (hitChangeSwitch1)
-               {
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine));
-                       painter->SetBrush(QBrush(QColor(Qt::magenta)));
-                       painter->DrawArrowToLineHandle(hp2, (dimensionType == DTLinearVert ? v.Angle() - PI_OVER_2 : (v.Angle() < PI ? PI : 0)));
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 2.0, Qt::DotLine));
-               }
-               painter->DrawHandle(hp2);
-               painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::blue, 1.0 * Painter::zoom * size, Qt::SolidLine));
-               if (hitChangeSwitch2)
-               {
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine));
-                       painter->SetBrush(QBrush(QColor(Qt::magenta)));
-                       painter->DrawArrowToLineHandle(hp3, (dimensionType == DTLinearHorz ? v.Angle() - PI_OVER_2 : (v.Angle() > PI_OVER_2 && v.Angle() < PI3_OVER_2 ? PI3_OVER_2 : PI_OVER_2)));
-                       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::magenta, 2.0, Qt::DotLine));
-               }
-               painter->DrawHandle(hp3);
-       }
-/*virtual*/ Vector Dimension::Center(void)
-       // Technically, this is the midpoint but who are we to quibble? :-)
-       Vector v((position.x - endpoint.x) / 2.0, (position.y - endpoint.y) / 2.0);
-       return endpoint + v;
-/*virtual*/ bool Dimension::Collided(Vector point)
-       // Someone told us to fuck off, so we'll fuck off. :-)
-       if (ignoreClicks)
-               return false;
-       // We can assume this, since this is a mouse down event here.
-       objectWasDragged = false;
-       HitTest(point);
-       // Now that we've done our hit testing on the non-snapped point, snap it if
-       // necessary...
-       if (snapToGrid)
-               point = SnapPointToGrid(point);
-       if (snapPointIsValid)
-               point = snapPoint;
-       if (hitPoint1)
-       {
-               oldState = state;
-               state = OSSelected;
-               oldPoint = position;
-               draggingHandle1 = true;
-               return true;
-       }
-       else if (hitPoint2)
-       {
-               oldState = state;
-               state = OSSelected;
-               oldPoint = endpoint;
-               draggingHandle2 = true;
-               return true;
-       }
-       else if (hitFlipSwitch)
-       {
-               FlipSides();
-               hitFlipSwitch = hitLine = false;
-//             state = OSInactive;
-//             return true;
-       }
-       else if (hitChangeSwitch1)
-       {
-               // There are three cases here: aligned, horizontal, & vertical. Aligned
-               // and horizontal do the same thing, vertical goes back to linear.
-               if (dimensionType == DTLinearVert)
-                       dimensionType = DTLinear;
-               else
-                       dimensionType = DTLinearVert;
-               hitFlipSwitch = hitLine = false;
-       }
-       else if (hitChangeSwitch2)
-       {
-               // There are three cases here: aligned, horizontal, & vertical. Aligned
-               // and vertical do the same thing, horizontal goes back to linear.
-               if (dimensionType == DTLinearHorz)
-                       dimensionType = DTLinear;
-               else
-                       dimensionType = DTLinearHorz;
-               hitFlipSwitch = hitLine = false;
-       }
-       state = OSInactive;
-       return false;
-/*virtual*/ bool Dimension::PointerMoved(Vector point)
-       if (selectionInProgress)
-       {
-               // Check for whether or not the rect contains this line
-               if (selection.contains(position.x, position.y)
-                       && selection.contains(endpoint.x, endpoint.y))
-                       state = OSSelected;
-               else
-                       state = OSInactive;
-               return false;
-       }
-       // Hit test tells us what we hit (if anything) through boolean variables. (It
-       // also tells us whether or not the state changed. --not any more)
-       SaveHitState();
-       bool hovered = HitTest(point);
-       needUpdate = HitStateChanged();
-       if (snapToGrid)
-               point = SnapPointToGrid(point);
-       if (snapPointIsValid)
-               point = snapPoint;
-       objectWasDragged = (/*draggingLine |*/ draggingHandle1 | draggingHandle2);
-       if (objectWasDragged)
-       {
-               Vector delta = point - oldPoint;
-               if (draggingHandle1)// || draggingLine)
-                       position += delta;
-               if (draggingHandle2)// || draggingLine)
-                       endpoint += delta;
-               oldPoint = point;
-               needUpdate = true;
-       }
-       return hovered;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::PointerReleased(void)
-/*     if (draggingHandle1 || draggingHandle2)
-       {
-               // Set the length (in case the global state was set to fixed (or not))
-               if (Object::fixedLength)
-               {
-                       if (draggingHandle1)    // startpoint
-                       {
-                               Vector v = Vector(endpoint, position).Unit() * length;
-                               position = endpoint + v;
-                       }
-                       else                                    // endpoint
-                       {
-                               Vector v = Vector(position, endpoint).Unit() * length;
-                               endpoint = position + v;
-                       }
-               }
-               else*/
-               {
-                       // Otherwise, we calculate the new length, just in case on the next move
-                       // it turns out to have a fixed length. :-)
-                       length = Vector(endpoint - position).Magnitude();
-               }
-/*     }*/
-       dragging = false;
-       draggingHandle1 = false;
-       draggingHandle2 = false;
-       // Here we check for just a click: If object was clicked and dragged, then
-       // revert to the old state (OSInactive). Otherwise, keep the new state that
-       // we set.
-/*Maybe it would be better to just check for "object was dragged" state and not have to worry
-about keeping track of old states...
-       if (objectWasDragged)
-               state = oldState;
-/*virtual*/ bool Dimension::HitTest(Point point)
-//     Vector orthogonal = Vector::Normal(position, endpoint);
-       Vector orthogonal = Vector::Normal(linePt1, linePt2);
-       // Get our line parallel to our points
-#if 0
-       Point p1 = position + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p2 = endpoint + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p1 = linePt1 + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p2 = linePt2 + (orthogonal * 10.0 * size);
-       Point p3(p1, point);
-       hitPoint1 = hitPoint2 = hitLine = hitFlipSwitch = hitChangeSwitch1
-               = hitChangeSwitch2 = false;
-       Vector v1(position, point);
-       Vector v2(endpoint, point);
-//     Vector lineSegment(position, endpoint);
-       Vector lineSegment(p1, p2);
-//     double t = Geometry::ParameterOfLineAndPoint(position, endpoint, point);
-       double t = Geometry::ParameterOfLineAndPoint(p1, p2, point);
-       double distance;
-       Point midpoint = (p1 + p2) / 2.0;
-       Point hFSPoint = Point(midpoint, point);
-       Point hCS1Point = Point((p1 + midpoint) / 2.0, point);
-       Point hCS2Point = Point((midpoint + p2) / 2.0, point);
-       if (t < 0.0)
-               distance = v1.Magnitude();
-       else if (t > 1.0)
-               distance = v2.Magnitude();
-       else
-               // distance = ?Det?(ls, v1) / |ls|
-//             distance = fabs((lineSegment.x * v1.y - v1.x * lineSegment.y)
-               distance = fabs((lineSegment.x * p3.y - p3.x * lineSegment.y)
-                       / lineSegment.Magnitude());
-       if ((v1.Magnitude() * Painter::zoom) < 8.0)
-               hitPoint1 = true;
-       else if ((v2.Magnitude() * Painter::zoom) < 8.0)
-               hitPoint2 = true;
-       else if ((distance * Painter::zoom) < 5.0)
-               hitLine = true;
-       if ((hFSPoint.Magnitude() * Painter::zoom) < 8.0)
-               hitFlipSwitch = true;
-       else if ((hCS1Point.Magnitude() * Painter::zoom) < 8.0)
-               hitChangeSwitch1 = true;
-       else if ((hCS2Point.Magnitude() * Painter::zoom) < 8.0)
-               hitChangeSwitch2 = true;
-       return (hitPoint1 || hitPoint2 || hitLine || hitFlipSwitch || hitChangeSwitch1 || hitChangeSwitch2 ? true : false);
-void Dimension::SaveHitState(void)
-       oldHitPoint1 = hitPoint1;
-       oldHitPoint2 = hitPoint2;
-       oldHitLine = hitLine;
-       oldHitFlipSwitch = hitFlipSwitch;
-       oldHitChangeSwitch1 = hitChangeSwitch1;
-       oldHitChangeSwitch2 = hitChangeSwitch2;
-bool Dimension::HitStateChanged(void)
-       if ((hitPoint1 != oldHitPoint1) || (hitPoint2 != oldHitPoint2)
-               || (hitLine != oldHitLine) || (hitFlipSwitch != oldHitFlipSwitch)
-               || (hitChangeSwitch1 != oldHitChangeSwitch1)
-               || (hitChangeSwitch2 != oldHitChangeSwitch2))
-               return true;
-       return false;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Translate(Vector amount)
-       position += amount;
-       endpoint += amount;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Rotate(Point point, double angle)
-       Point l1 = Geometry::RotatePointAroundPoint(position, point, angle);
-       Point l2 = Geometry::RotatePointAroundPoint(endpoint, point, angle);
-       position = l1;
-       endpoint = l2;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Mirror(Point p1, Point p2)
-       Point l1 = Geometry::MirrorPointAroundLine(position, p1, p2);
-       Point l2 = Geometry::MirrorPointAroundLine(endpoint, p1, p2);
-       position = l1;
-       endpoint = l2;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Save(void)
-       Object::Save();
-       oldEndpoint = endpoint;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Restore(void)
-       Object::Restore();
-       endpoint = oldEndpoint;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Enumerate(FILE * file)
-       fprintf(file, "DIMENSION %i (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) %i\n", layer, position.x, position.y, endpoint.x, endpoint.y, dimensionType);
-/*virtual*/ Object * Dimension::Copy(void)
-#warning "!!! This doesn't take care of attached Dimensions !!!"
-This is a real problem. While having a pointer in the Dimension to this line's points
-is fast & easy, it creates a huge problem when trying to replicate an object like this.
-Maybe a way to fix that then, is to have reference numbers instead of pointers. That
-way, if you copy them, ... you might still have problems. Because you can't be sure if
-a copy will be persistant or not, you then *definitely* do not want them to have the
-same reference number.
-       Dimension * d = new Dimension(position, endpoint, dimensionType, parent);
-       d->size = size;
-       return d;
-// Dimensions are special: they contain exactly *two* points. Here, we check
-// only for zero/non-zero in returning the correct points.
-/*virtual*/ Vector Dimension::GetPointAtParameter(double parameter)
-       if (parameter == 0)
-               return position;
-       return endpoint;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::MovePointAtParameter(double parameter, Vector v)
-       if (parameter == 0)
-               position += v;
-       else if (parameter == 1.0)
-               endpoint += v;
-       else
-               {} // Not sure how to handle this case :-P
-#if 0
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Connect(Object * obj, double param)
-       // There are four possibilities here...
-       // The param is only looking for 0 or 1 here.
-       if (point1.object == NULL && point2.object == NULL)
-       {
-               point1.object = obj;
-               point1.t = param;
-       }
-       else if (point1.object == NULL && point2.object != NULL)
-       {
-               if (point2.t == param)
-                       point2.object = obj;
-               else
-               {
-                       point1.object = obj;
-                       point1.t = param;
-               }
-       }
-       else if (point1.object != NULL && point2.object == NULL)
-       {
-               if (point1.t == param)
-                       point1.object = obj;
-               else
-               {
-                       point2.object = obj;
-                       point2.t = param;
-               }
-       }
-       else if (point1.object != NULL && point2.object != NULL)
-       {
-               if (point1.t == param)
-                       point1.object = obj;
-               else
-                       point2.object = obj;
-       }
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::Disconnect(Object * obj, double param)
-       if (point1.object == obj && point1.t == param)
-               point1.object = NULL;
-       else if (point2.object == obj && point2.t == param)
-               point2.object = NULL;
-/*virtual*/ void Dimension::DisconnectAll(Object * obj)
-       if (point1.object == obj)
-               point1.object = NULL;
-       if (point2.object == obj)
-               point2.object = NULL;
-/*virtual*/ QRectF Dimension::Extents(void)
-       Point p1 = position;
-       Point p2 = endpoint;
-//     if (point1.object)
-//             p1 = point1.object->GetPointAtParameter(point1.t);
-//     if (point2.object)
-//             p2 = point2.object->GetPointAtParameter(point2.t);
-       return QRectF(QPointF(p1.x, p1.y), QPointF(p2.x, p2.y));
-#if 0
-/*virtual*/ ObjectType Dimension::Type(void)
-       return OTDimension;
-void Dimension::FlipSides(void)
-#if 1
-       Vector tmp = position;
-       position = endpoint;
-       endpoint = tmp;
-//Not sure this matters...
-//#warning "!!! May need to swap parameter values on connected objects !!!"
-       Connection tmp = point1;
-       point1 = point2;
-       point2 = tmp;
-//     double tmp = point1.t;
-//     point1.t = point2.t;
-//     point2.t = tmp;
-//     Object * tmp = point1.object;
-//     point1.object = point2.object;
-//     point2.object = tmp;
-       needUpdate = true;
diff --git a/src/dimension.h b/src/dimension.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b3993b0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __DIMENSION_H__
-#define __DIMENSION_H__
-#include "object.h"
-class Line;
-enum DimensionType { DTLinear, DTLinearVert, DTLinearHorz, DTRadial, DTDiametric, DTCircumferential, DTAngular, DTLeader };
-class Dimension: public Object
-       friend class Line;
-       friend class Geometry;
-       public:
-               Dimension(Vector, Vector, DimensionType dt = DTLinear, Object * p = 0);
-               ~Dimension();
-               virtual void Draw(Painter *);
-               virtual Vector Center(void);
-               virtual bool Collided(Vector);
-               virtual bool PointerMoved(Vector);
-               virtual void PointerReleased(void);
-               virtual bool HitTest(Point);
-               virtual void Translate(Vector);
-               virtual void Rotate(Point, double);
-               virtual void Mirror(Point, Point);
-               virtual void Save(void);
-               virtual void Restore(void);
-               virtual void Enumerate(FILE *);
-               virtual Object * Copy(void);
-               virtual Vector GetPointAtParameter(double parameter);
-               virtual void MovePointAtParameter(double parameter, Vector);
-               virtual QRectF Extents(void);
-               void FlipSides(void);
-       protected:
-               void SaveHitState(void);
-               bool HitStateChanged(void);
-       protected:
-               Vector endpoint;                                        // Starting point is Object::position
-               Vector oldPoint;                                        // Used for dragging
-               Point oldEndpoint;
-               Point linePt1, linePt2;                         // Used for testing dimension line hits
-       private:
-               bool dragging;
-               bool draggingHandle1;
-               bool draggingHandle2;
-               bool objectWasDragged;
-               double length;
-               DimensionType dimensionType;
-               bool hitPoint1;
-               bool hitPoint2;
-               bool hitLine;
-               bool hitFlipSwitch;
-               bool hitChangeSwitch1;
-               bool hitChangeSwitch2;
-               bool oldHitPoint1, oldHitPoint2, oldHitLine, oldHitFlipSwitch, oldHitChangeSwitch1, oldHitChangeSwitch2;
-       public:
-               double size;                                            // Size of arrows/text in base units
-#endif // __DIMENSION_H__
diff --git a/src/drawdimensionaction.cpp b/src/drawdimensionaction.cpp
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d366c22..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// drawdimensionaction.cpp: Action class for drawing dimensions
-// Part of the Architektonas Project
-// (C) 2011 Underground Software
-// See the README and GPLv3 files for licensing and warranty information
-// JLH = James Hammons <jlhamm@acm.org>
-// WHO  WHEN        WHAT
-// ---  ----------  ------------------------------------------------------------
-// JLH  03/15/2013  Created this file
-#include "drawdimensionaction.h"
-#include "applicationwindow.h"
-#include "dimension.h"
-#include "drawingview.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "painter.h"
-DrawDimensionAction::DrawDimensionAction(): state(0), dimension(NULL)
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::Draw(Painter * painter)
-       painter->SetPen(QPen(Qt::red, 2.0, Qt::DotLine));
-       if (state == FIRST_POINT)
-       {
-               painter->DrawHandle(p1);
-       }
-       else if (state == NEXT_POINT)
-       {
-               painter->DrawLine(p1, p2);
-               painter->DrawHandle(p2);
-       }
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::MouseDown(Vector point)
-       obj = ApplicationWindow::drawing->document.lastObjectClicked;
-       if (obj)
-       {
-               if (obj->type == OTLine)
-               {
-                       // Make sure we didn't hit an endpoint...
-                       if (!(((Line *) obj)->hitPoint1 || ((Line *)obj)->hitPoint2))
-                       {
-                               state = NO_POINT;
-                               return;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       if (state == FIRST_POINT)
-               p1 = point;
-       else
-               p2 = point;
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::MouseMoved(Vector point)
-       if (state == FIRST_POINT)
-               p1 = point;
-       else
-               p2 = point;
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::MouseReleased(void)
-       if (state == NO_POINT)
-       {
-               HandleAddDimensionToObject();//ApplicationWindow::drawing->document.lastObjectClicked);
-               state = FIRST_POINT;
-       }
-       else if (state == FIRST_POINT)
-       {
-               p2 = p1;
-               state = NEXT_POINT;
-       }
-       else if (state == NEXT_POINT)
-       {
-               // We create the new object here, and then pass it off to the
-               // DrawingView which stuffs it into the document.
-               dimension = new Dimension(p1, p2);
-               // We don't need no stinkin' sentinels, when we have signals & slots!
-               emit ObjectReady(dimension);
-               state = FIRST_POINT;
-       }
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::KeyDown(int /*key*/)
-/*virtual*/ void DrawDimensionAction::KeyReleased(int /*key*/)
-void DrawDimensionAction::HandleAddDimensionToObject(void)//Object * obj)
-//printf("Adding dimension to object...\n");
-       if (obj->type == OTLine)
-       {
-               Object * existing = ((Line *)obj)->FindAttachedDimension();
-               if (existing)
-               {
-                       ((Dimension *)existing)->FlipSides();
-               }
-//printf("--> type == LINE\n");
-               // Should also check here to see if it hit the line proper or just hit
-               // an endpoint...
-               else
-               {
-                       dimension = new Dimension(p1, p2);
-                       ((Line *)obj)->SetDimensionOnLine(dimension);
-                       emit ObjectReady(dimension);
-               }
-       }
diff --git a/src/drawdimensionaction.h b/src/drawdimensionaction.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0e691ed..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#include "action.h"
-class Dimension;
-class Object;
-class DrawDimensionAction: public Action
-       public:
-               DrawDimensionAction();
-               ~DrawDimensionAction();
-               virtual void Draw(Painter *);
-               virtual void MouseDown(Vector);
-               virtual void MouseMoved(Vector);
-               virtual void MouseReleased(void);
-               virtual void KeyDown(int);
-               virtual void KeyReleased(int);
-       private:
-//             void HandleAddDimensionToObject(Object *);
-               void HandleAddDimensionToObject(void);
-       private:
-               int state;
-               Dimension * dimension;
-               Vector p1, p2;
-               Object * obj;
index 943a9b9f4cd9edb088df0a5d8a75a9824512d4cd..ca063c51d548070b1a000158d15b0d53e9fdcf7e 100644 (file)
@@ -1596,6 +1596,7 @@ Rect DrawingView::GetObjectExtents(Object * obj)
        switch (obj->type)
        case OTLine:
        switch (obj->type)
        case OTLine:
+       case OTDimension:
                rect = Rect(obj->p[0], obj->p[1]);
                rect = Rect(obj->p[0], obj->p[1]);
@@ -1675,6 +1676,7 @@ void DrawingView::CheckObjectBounds(void)
                switch (obj->type)
                case OTLine:
                switch (obj->type)
                case OTLine:
+               case OTDimension:
                        Line * l = (Line *)obj;
                        Line * l = (Line *)obj;
index 54e2f51bffb088afd2476e1e67a46363b8216c78..7fe1f09e96eca0c5d018c315a15d5498c598c676 100644 (file)
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ struct Dimension {
        int subtype;
        double offset;
        int subtype;
        double offset;
-       Point lp[2];    // Line point, the actual dimension line
+       Point lp[2];            // Line point, the actual dimension line
+       Object * obj[2];        // Pointer to attached objects (circle, lines for angle)
        Dimension(): type(OTDimension), id(Global::objectID++) {}
        Dimension(Vector pt1, Vector pt2, DimensionType dt = DTLinear, float th = 1.0, uint32_t c = 0x0000FF, int l = LSSolid):
        Dimension(): type(OTDimension), id(Global::objectID++) {}
        Dimension(Vector pt1, Vector pt2, DimensionType dt = DTLinear, float th = 1.0, uint32_t c = 0x0000FF, int l = LSSolid):