From: Ed Ward Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 14:33:37 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Documenting the Region and Track menus X-Git-Url:;h=eae30e82b8839309d14cfa3fc781fed316c8dacd;p=ardour-manual-diverged Documenting the Region and Track menus --- diff --git a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/03_Edit-menu.html b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/03_Edit-menu.html index 12d4f2d..440e991 100644 --- a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/03_Edit-menu.html +++ b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/03_Edit-menu.html @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ title: The Edit Menu
Deletes all that is currently selected
Cuts the parts of the regions that are outside the range boundaries. Only applies on the regions that belong at least in part to the range.
Cuts the selected regions at the edit points, separating them in two regions
Cuts the selected regions at the Edit point, separating them in two regions
Separate Under
Removes all the parts of the regions that are under the selected one. Once done, the selected region is alone on its part of the track.
Separate Using Loop Range
Cuts the selected regions or the regions on the selected tracks along the Loop range's start and end markers. If nothing is selected, acts on all tracks at once.
diff --git a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/04_Region-menu.html b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/04_Region-menu.html index 6137821..94e6aee 100644 --- a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/04_Region-menu.html +++ b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/04_Region-menu.html @@ -2,87 +2,89 @@ title: The Region Menu --- -

Describe the items


+ The Region Menu is where the user can tweak its regions, the parts of audio or MIDI that sit on the timeline. +

Insert Region from Region List
If a region is selected in the Editor List, add it at the Edit point
Starts playback at the beginning of the selected region(s), and stops at its(their) end
Creates a loop range on the selected region's boundaries, and starts the looped playback
Changes the name of the region, that appears in its top left area
Shows the Region properties window, that displays detailed information about the region and allow for some modifications
Loudness Analysis...
Shows the Audio Report/Analysis window, that displays detailed dBFS information as well as a spectrogram (dBFS of frequency against time)
Spectral Analysis...
Shows the Audio Report/Analysis window, that displays a integrated spectral view of the region (dBFS agaisnt frequency)
Creates a new region by joining the selected audio regions in the same track, and replaces those region with the newly created compound. The same rules are applied to create the compound as for playback regarding e.g. layering
Splits back the compound created by combining into its original audio regions
Pitch Shift...
Changes the tune of the audio region, by octave, semitones or percentage, based on spectral analysis. Optionaly, and if they have been set for the region, preserves the formants
Cuts the selected regions at the Edit point, separating them in two regions
Split at Percussion Onset
Allows splitting the selected regions on its PErcussion Onsets marker as set by the Rhythm Ferret (Not usable as of 5.5)
Make Mono Regions
Creates mono regions out of a stereo or multichannel region by splitting it into its discrete channels. The created regions are added to the Editor List
Close Gaps
Extends (or reduces) the selected regions to be perfecltly aligned. Optionnaly, sets up a crossfade duration, or a pull-back (spacing between regions)
Place Transient
Places a transient at the Edit Point. Used e.g. for the Pitch Shift... action
Rhythm Ferret...
Opens the Rhythm Ferret which is a powerfull tool to sequence audio files
Strip Silence...
Opens the Strip Silence window which is a very handy tool to remove all audio under a user-chosen threshold (with a preview)
Mirrors the audio horizontally
Raise to Top
On overlapping regions, puts the selected one(s) on top
On overlapping region, makes the selected one(s) one layer higher
Makes the selected region(s) one layer lower
Lower to Bottom
Sends the selected region to the background
On a MIDI region, shows the Transpose MIDI window, allowing to shift the pitch of the whole MIDI region by ± n semitones or octaves
Insert Patch Change...
Inserts a patch change at the Edit Point, allowing a change of patch, channel, program and/or bank
Shows the Quantize window, allowing to perfectly align the MIDI notes to the musical grid
Shortens or elongates the MIDI notes to make them perfectly sequentials, i.e. the end of a note is the start of the following one
Remove Overlap
FIXME Shortens or elongates the MIDI notes to make them perfectly sequentials, i.e. the end of a note is the start of the following one
Transform window, that allows for mathematical operations on the midi notes
Unlink from Other copies
Makes the selected MIDI region independant, e.g. editing this region won't affect any other one.
List Editor...
Shows the List Editor which sequentially lists all the MIDI events in the region, and allows for precise modifications
[] Opaque
When checked, makes the region opaque audio-wise, i.e., the underlying regions won't be audible
[] Mute
When checked, mutes only the selected region on the track, without muting the track. The muted regions will have !! prepended to their name and will be semi-transparent
Shows the Normalize region dialog, which allows to scale the region level by setting its maximum level, optionaly constraining the RMS
Boost Gain
Increases the gain on the selected region by boosting the audio, without touching the enveloppe or automation
Cut Gain
Reduces the gain without touching the enveloppe or automation
Reset Envelope
If the gain enveloppe has been edited, resets it to its initial value (constant at 0 dB)
[] Envelope Active
When unchecked, disables any enveloppe editing that has been made. The enveloppe will be displayed in yellow instead of green.
Move to Original Position
Moves the region where it was initially recorded or inserted in the session
Snap Position to Grid
If the Grid Mode is set to Grid, snaps the region to the nearest grid line
[] Lock
Blocks the selected regions at their current positions in time and tracks, avoiding any movement on the timeline. The region name will be surrounded by > and < brackets
[] Glue to Bars and Beats
Locks the region position to relative to the musical grid, i.e. a change of tempo will move the region to keep it on the same bar/beat
[] Lock to Video
Same as above, relative to the position in the video
Set Sync Position
Creates or move the Sync position, i.e. the point of the region that will be aligned or snapped to the grid, and that is (by default) the beggining of the region.
Remove Sync
Removes any user defined Sync point, and resets the sync position to the beginning of the region
Nudge Later
Moves the region to the right by the amount shown in the nudge timer
Nudge Earlier
Same as above, to the left
Nudge Later by Capture Offset
Moves the region to the right by the capture latency computed by ardour based on the user's settings regarding latency
Nudge Earlier by Capture Offset
Same as above, to the left
Sequence Regions
Puts the selected regions one after the other, so that the end of one region is the beggining of the next one, removing any overlap or silence. The reference point is the earliest region.
Trim Start at Edit Point
If the Edit Point is within the region boundaries, shortens the region to align its start with the Edit Point
Trim End at Edit Point
Same as above, for the end of the region
Trim to Loop
Uses both the start and end Loop markers to shorten the region
Trim to Punch
Same as above with the Punch markers
Trim to Previous
On overlapping regions, shortens the selected one so that the previous region is complete, i.e. the new start point for the selected region is the end point of the previous region on the timeline
Trim to Next
Same as above, with the end of the selected region aligned to the start of the following one.
Set Loop Range
Creates a Loop range based on the selected regions, i.e. the strt of the loop range is the start of the earliest region, and the end of the loop is the end of the latest region.
Set Punch
Same as above, for the Punch range
Add Single Range Marker
Same as above, for the Edit range
Add Range Marker Per Region
For each selected region, creates its own Edit range based on the boundaries of each region
Set Range Selection
Creates a range selection based on the boundaries of the selected regions
[] Fade In
Activates/desactivates the Fade In at the start of the region
[] Fade Out
Same as above, for the Fade out at the end of the region
[] Fades
Shortcut to activate/desactivate both the fade in and fade out
Creates a copy of the selected region(s) and happend it to the original
Shows the Duplicate dialog, allowing to create multiple copies, or a not-integer number of copies (the last one will then be truncated)
Fill Track
Creates duplicates until it fills the session, i.e. reaches the End marker of the session. The last duplicate may be truncated to fit in
Shows the Export dialog, with all parameters set to export only the selected region(s)
Bounce (without processing)
Creates a bounce, i.e. a version of the region with all the edits (boundaries, enveloppe), as a new region in the Editor List, without any of the effects of the mixer strip
Bounce (with processing)
Same as above, with the effects of the mixer strip
-Region - Insert Region from Region List - Play - Loop - Rename... - Properties... - Loudness Analysis... - Spectral Analysis... - Edit - Combine - Uncombine - Pitch Shift... - Split/Separate - Split at Percussion Onset - Make Mono Regions - Close Gaps - Place Transient - Rhythm Ferret... - Strip Silence... - Reverse - Layering - Raide to Top - Raise - Lower - Lower to Bottom - MIDI - Transpose... - Insert Patch Change... - Quantize... - Legatize - Remove Overlap - Transform... - Unlink from Other copies - List Editor... - Gain - [] Opaque - [] Mute - Normalize... - Boost Gain - Cut Gain - Reset Envelope - [] Envelope Active - Position - Move to Original Position - Snap Position to Grid - [] Lock - [] Glue to Bars and Beats - [] Lock to Video - Set Sync Position - Remove Sync - Nudge Later - Nudge Earlier - Nudge Later by Capture Offset - Nudge Earlier by Capture Offset - Sequence Regions - Trim - Trim Start at Edit Point - Trim End at Edit Point - Trim to Loop - Trim to Punch - Trim to Previous - Trim to Next - Ranges - Set Loop Range - Set Punch - Add Single Range Marker - Add Range Marker Per Region - Set Range Selection - Fades - [] Fade In - [] Fade Out - [] Fades - Duplicate - Duplicate - Multi-Duplicate... - Fill Track - Export... - Bounce (without processing) - Bounce (with processing) - --- - Remove +
Deletes the region from the edit (no file is harmed in the process, and the region stays in the Editor for later use)
diff --git a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/05_Track-menu.html b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/05_Track-menu.html index 028af4f..eba37d3 100644 --- a/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/05_Track-menu.html +++ b/_manual/05_ardours-interface/01_main-menu/05_Track-menu.html @@ -2,28 +2,30 @@ title: The Track Menu --- -

Describe the items


+ The Track menu is where one can deal with the tracks, busses and control masters. +

Add Track, Bus or VCA...
Shows the Add Track, Bus or VCA... window, where one can add one or more tracks, busses or control masters to the session and define its parameters
Duplicate Tracks/Busses...
Shows the Duplicate Tracks and Busses window, allowing to duplicate the selected track(s) and optionnaly, its playlist
-Track - Add Track, Bus or VCA... - Duplicate Tracks/Busses... - --- - Toggle Record Enable - Toggle Solo - Toggle Mute - --- - Insert Time - Remove Time - Move Selected Tracks Up - Move Selected Tracks Down - Height - Fit Selection (Vertical) - Largest - Larger - Large - Normal - Small - --- - Toggle Active - Remove +
Toggle Record Enable
Sets the Record Enable mode On on the selected track(s). These tracks will record audio/midi next time the global record is active and playback is started.
Toggle Solo
Sets the solo On on the selected tracks, so only these tracks will play
Toggle Mute
Mutes the selected tracks, they wont play until unmuted
+ +
Insert Time
Shows the Insert Time window, allowing to insert a blank time in the selected tracks' playlist. By default, it'll be inserted at the Edit Point, but that can be changed in the dialog, as does the behaviour of the regions
Remove Time
Same as above, but to remove time
Move Selected Tracks Up
Changes the position of the selected tracks one track up towards the top. In the mixer, the tracks will be moved to the left.
Move Selected Tracks Down
Same as above, towards the bottom
Fit Selection (Vertical)
Will fit the selected track(s) in the window. If too many tracks are selected, they'll be reduced to their minimum height.
Sets the selected tracks height to a very high value, hence making the tracks wide on screen
Same as above, but a little less high
Same as above, but again less high
Sets the height of the track to its default value which is a trade-off between readability and number of tracks displayed
Reduces the size of the tracks to a low value, increasing the number of on screen tracks
+ +
Toggle Active
Toggles the active state of a track. An inactive track will be grayed and wont play any sound. That can be seen in the A colomn of the Tracks and Busses List
Deletes this track and its playlist (no file is harmed in the process, and the regions from the playlist stay in the Editor for later use)