X-Git-Url: http://shamusworld.gotdns.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=src%2Fjerry.cpp;h=8603b90101756e660e48392c8e88b53e729df66c;hb=a34be0c722746101ef35a8f860d6d618deca213b;hp=e7aee5801217489e8b2d3a8453d0ba846383a435;hpb=ff3fa0b1ecf246a104ff10fa6c3dc225cccce82f;p=virtualjaguar diff --git a/src/jerry.cpp b/src/jerry.cpp index e7aee58..8603b90 100644 --- a/src/jerry.cpp +++ b/src/jerry.cpp @@ -5,144 +5,151 @@ // GCC/SDL port by Niels Wagenaar (Linux/WIN32) and Carwin Jones (BeOS) // Cleanups/rewrites/fixes by James L. Hammons // -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// JERRY REGISTERS (Mapped by Aaron Giles) -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// F10000-F13FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Jerry -// F10000 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT1 - timer 1 pre-scaler -// F10002 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT2 - timer 1 divider -// F10004 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT3 - timer 2 pre-scaler -// F10008 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT4 - timer 2 divider -// F10010 W ------xx xxxxxxxx CLK1 - processor clock divider -// F10012 W ------xx xxxxxxxx CLK2 - video clock divider -// F10014 W -------- --xxxxxx CLK3 - chroma clock divider -// F10020 R/W ---xxxxx ---xxxxx JINTCTRL - interrupt control register -// W ---x---- -------- (J_SYNCLR - clear synchronous serial intf ints) -// W ----x--- -------- (J_ASYNCLR - clear asynchronous serial intf ints) -// W -----x-- -------- (J_TIM2CLR - clear timer 2 [tempo] interrupts) -// W ------x- -------- (J_TIM1CLR - clear timer 1 [sample] interrupts) -// W -------x -------- (J_EXTCLR - clear external interrupts) -// R/W -------- ---x---- (J_SYNENA - enable synchronous serial intf ints) -// R/W -------- ----x--- (J_ASYNENA - enable asynchronous serial intf ints) -// R/W -------- -----x-- (J_TIM2ENA - enable timer 2 [tempo] interrupts) -// R/W -------- ------x- (J_TIM1ENA - enable timer 1 [sample] interrupts) -// R/W -------- -------x (J_EXTENA - enable external interrupts) -// F10030 R/W -------- xxxxxxxx ASIDATA - asynchronous serial data -// F10032 W -x------ -xxxxxxx ASICTRL - asynchronous serial control -// W -x------ -------- (TXBRK - transmit break) -// W -------- -x------ (CLRERR - clear error) -// W -------- --x----- (RINTEN - enable receiver interrupts) -// W -------- ---x---- (TINTEN - enable transmitter interrupts) -// W -------- ----x--- (RXIPOL - receiver input polarity) -// W -------- -----x-- (TXOPOL - transmitter output polarity) -// W -------- ------x- (PAREN - parity enable) -// W -------- -------x (ODD - odd parity select) -// F10032 R xxx-xxxx x-xxxxxx ASISTAT - asynchronous serial status -// R x------- -------- (ERROR - OR of PE,FE,OE) -// R -x------ -------- (TXBRK - transmit break) -// R --x----- -------- (SERIN - serial input) -// R ----x--- -------- (OE - overrun error) -// R -----x-- -------- (FE - framing error) -// R ------x- -------- (PE - parity error) -// R -------x -------- (TBE - transmit buffer empty) -// R -------- x------- (RBF - receive buffer full) -// R -------- ---x---- (TINTEN - enable transmitter interrupts) -// R -------- ----x--- (RXIPOL - receiver input polarity) -// R -------- -----x-- (TXOPOL - transmitter output polarity) -// R -------- ------x- (PAREN - parity enable) -// R -------- -------x (ODD - odd parity) -// F10034 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ASICLK - asynchronous serial interface clock -// F10036 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT1 - timer 1 pre-scaler -// F10038 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT2 - timer 1 divider -// F1003A R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT3 - timer 2 pre-scaler -// F1003C R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT4 - timer 2 divider -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// F14000-F17FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Joysticks and GPIO0-5 -// F14000 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JOYSTICK - read joystick state -// F14000 W x------- xxxxxxxx JOYSTICK - latch joystick output -// W x------- -------- (enable joystick outputs) -// W -------- xxxxxxxx (joystick output data) -// F14002 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JOYBUTS - button register -// F14800-F14FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI00 - reserved (CD-ROM? no.) -// F15000-F15FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI01 - reserved -// F16000-F16FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI02 - reserved -// F17000-F177FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI03 - reserved -// F17800-F17BFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI04 - reserved -// F17C00-F17FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI05 - reserved -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// F18000-F1FFFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Jerry DSP -// F1A100 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_FLAGS - DSP flags register -// R/W x------- -------- (DMAEN - DMA enable) -// R/W -x------ -------- (REGPAGE - register page) -// W --x----- -------- (D_EXT0CLR - clear external interrupt 0) -// W ---x---- -------- (D_TIM2CLR - clear timer 2 interrupt) -// W ----x--- -------- (D_TIM1CLR - clear timer 1 interrupt) -// W -----x-- -------- (D_I2SCLR - clear I2S interrupt) -// W ------x- -------- (D_CPUCLR - clear CPU interrupt) -// R/W -------x -------- (D_EXT0ENA - enable external interrupt 0) -// R/W -------- x------- (D_TIM2ENA - enable timer 2 interrupt) -// R/W -------- -x------ (D_TIM1ENA - enable timer 1 interrupt) -// R/W -------- --x----- (D_I2SENA - enable I2S interrupt) -// R/W -------- ---x---- (D_CPUENA - enable CPU interrupt) -// R/W -------- ----x--- (IMASK - interrupt mask) -// R/W -------- -----x-- (NEGA_FLAG - ALU negative) -// R/W -------- ------x- (CARRY_FLAG - ALU carry) -// R/W -------- -------x (ZERO_FLAG - ALU zero) -// F1A102 R/W -------- ------xx D_FLAGS - upper DSP flags -// R/W -------- ------x- (D_EXT1ENA - enable external interrupt 1) -// R/W -------- -------x (D_EXT1CLR - clear external interrupt 1) -// F1A104 W -------- ----xxxx D_MTXC - matrix control register -// W -------- ----x--- (MATCOL - column/row major) -// W -------- -----xxx (MATRIX3-15 - matrix width) -// F1A108 W ----xxxx xxxxxx-- D_MTXA - matrix address register -// F1A10C W -------- -----x-x D_END - data organization register -// W -------- -----x-- (BIG_INST - big endian instruction fetch) -// W -------- -------x (BIG_IO - big endian I/O) -// F1A110 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_PC - DSP program counter -// F1A114 R/W xxxxxxxx xx-xxxxx D_CTRL - DSP control/status register -// R xxxx---- -------- (VERSION - DSP version code) -// R/W ----x--- -------- (BUS_HOG - hog the bus!) -// R/W -----x-- -------- (D_EXT0LAT - external interrupt 0 latch) -// R/W ------x- -------- (D_TIM2LAT - timer 2 interrupt latch) -// R/W -------x -------- (D_TIM1LAT - timer 1 interrupt latch) -// R/W -------- x------- (D_I2SLAT - I2S interrupt latch) -// R/W -------- -x------ (D_CPULAT - CPU interrupt latch) -// R/W -------- ---x---- (SINGLE_GO - single step one instruction) -// R/W -------- ----x--- (SINGLE_STEP - single step mode) -// R/W -------- -----x-- (FORCEINT0 - cause interrupt 0 on GPU) -// R/W -------- ------x- (CPUINT - send GPU interrupt to CPU) -// R/W -------- -------x (DSPGO - enable DSP execution) -// F1A116 R/W -------- -------x D_CTRL - upper DSP control/status register -// R/W -------- -------x (D_EXT1LAT - external interrupt 1 latch) -// F1A118-F1A11B W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_MOD - modulo instruction mask -// F1A11C-F1A11F R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_REMAIN - divide unit remainder -// F1A11C W -------- -------x D_DIVCTRL - divide unit control -// W -------- -------x (DIV_OFFSET - 1=16.16 divide, 0=32-bit divide) -// F1A120-F1A123 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_MACHI - multiply & accumulate high bits -// F1A148 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx R_DAC - right transmit data -// F1A14C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx L_DAC - left transmit data -// F1A150 W -------- xxxxxxxx SCLK - serial clock frequency -// F1A150 R -------- ------xx SSTAT -// R -------- ------x- (left - no description) -// R -------- -------x (WS - word strobe status) -// F1A154 W -------- --xxxx-x SMODE - serial mode -// W -------- --x----- (EVERYWORD - interrupt on MSB of every word) -// W -------- ---x---- (FALLING - interrupt on falling edge) -// W -------- ----x--- (RISING - interrupt of rising edge) -// W -------- -----x-- (WSEN - enable word strobes) -// W -------- -------x (INTERNAL - enables serial clock) -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// F1B000-F1CFFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Local DSP RAM -// ------------------------------------------------------------ -// F1D000 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_TRI - triangle wave -// F1D200 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_SINE - full sine wave -// F1D400 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_AMSINE - amplitude modulated sine wave -// F1D600 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_12W - sine wave and second order harmonic -// F1D800 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_CHIRP16 - chirp -// F1DA00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_NTRI - traingle wave with noise -// F1DC00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_DELTA - spike -// F1DE00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_NOISE - white noise -// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// JLH = James L. Hammons +// +// WHO WHEN WHAT +// --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------- +// JLH 11/25/2009 Major rewrite of memory subsystem and handlers +// + +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// JERRY REGISTERS (Mapped by Aaron Giles) +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// F10000-F13FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Jerry +// F10000 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT1 - timer 1 pre-scaler +// F10002 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT2 - timer 1 divider +// F10004 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT3 - timer 2 pre-scaler +// F10008 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT4 - timer 2 divider +// F10010 W ------xx xxxxxxxx CLK1 - processor clock divider +// F10012 W ------xx xxxxxxxx CLK2 - video clock divider +// F10014 W -------- --xxxxxx CLK3 - chroma clock divider +// F10020 R/W ---xxxxx ---xxxxx JINTCTRL - interrupt control register +// W ---x---- -------- (J_SYNCLR - clear synchronous serial intf ints) +// W ----x--- -------- (J_ASYNCLR - clear asynchronous serial intf ints) +// W -----x-- -------- (J_TIM2CLR - clear timer 2 [tempo] interrupts) +// W ------x- -------- (J_TIM1CLR - clear timer 1 [sample] interrupts) +// W -------x -------- (J_EXTCLR - clear external interrupts) +// R/W -------- ---x---- (J_SYNENA - enable synchronous serial intf ints) +// R/W -------- ----x--- (J_ASYNENA - enable asynchronous serial intf ints) +// R/W -------- -----x-- (J_TIM2ENA - enable timer 2 [tempo] interrupts) +// R/W -------- ------x- (J_TIM1ENA - enable timer 1 [sample] interrupts) +// R/W -------- -------x (J_EXTENA - enable external interrupts) +// F10030 R/W -------- xxxxxxxx ASIDATA - asynchronous serial data +// F10032 W -x------ -xxxxxxx ASICTRL - asynchronous serial control +// W -x------ -------- (TXBRK - transmit break) +// W -------- -x------ (CLRERR - clear error) +// W -------- --x----- (RINTEN - enable receiver interrupts) +// W -------- ---x---- (TINTEN - enable transmitter interrupts) +// W -------- ----x--- (RXIPOL - receiver input polarity) +// W -------- -----x-- (TXOPOL - transmitter output polarity) +// W -------- ------x- (PAREN - parity enable) +// W -------- -------x (ODD - odd parity select) +// F10032 R xxx-xxxx x-xxxxxx ASISTAT - asynchronous serial status +// R x------- -------- (ERROR - OR of PE,FE,OE) +// R -x------ -------- (TXBRK - transmit break) +// R --x----- -------- (SERIN - serial input) +// R ----x--- -------- (OE - overrun error) +// R -----x-- -------- (FE - framing error) +// R ------x- -------- (PE - parity error) +// R -------x -------- (TBE - transmit buffer empty) +// R -------- x------- (RBF - receive buffer full) +// R -------- ---x---- (TINTEN - enable transmitter interrupts) +// R -------- ----x--- (RXIPOL - receiver input polarity) +// R -------- -----x-- (TXOPOL - transmitter output polarity) +// R -------- ------x- (PAREN - parity enable) +// R -------- -------x (ODD - odd parity) +// F10034 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ASICLK - asynchronous serial interface clock +// F10036 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT1 - timer 1 pre-scaler +// F10038 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT2 - timer 1 divider +// F1003A R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT3 - timer 2 pre-scaler +// F1003C R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JPIT4 - timer 2 divider +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// F14000-F17FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Joysticks and GPIO0-5 +// F14000 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JOYSTICK - read joystick state +// F14000 W x------- xxxxxxxx JOYSTICK - latch joystick output +// W x------- -------- (enable joystick outputs) +// W -------- xxxxxxxx (joystick output data) +// F14002 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx JOYBUTS - button register +// F14800-F14FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI00 - reserved (CD-ROM? no.) +// F15000-F15FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI01 - reserved +// F16000-F16FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI02 - reserved +// F17000-F177FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI03 - reserved +// F17800-F17BFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI04 - reserved +// F17C00-F17FFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPI05 - reserved +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// F18000-F1FFFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Jerry DSP +// F1A100 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_FLAGS - DSP flags register +// R/W x------- -------- (DMAEN - DMA enable) +// R/W -x------ -------- (REGPAGE - register page) +// W --x----- -------- (D_EXT0CLR - clear external interrupt 0) +// W ---x---- -------- (D_TIM2CLR - clear timer 2 interrupt) +// W ----x--- -------- (D_TIM1CLR - clear timer 1 interrupt) +// W -----x-- -------- (D_I2SCLR - clear I2S interrupt) +// W ------x- -------- (D_CPUCLR - clear CPU interrupt) +// R/W -------x -------- (D_EXT0ENA - enable external interrupt 0) +// R/W -------- x------- (D_TIM2ENA - enable timer 2 interrupt) +// R/W -------- -x------ (D_TIM1ENA - enable timer 1 interrupt) +// R/W -------- --x----- (D_I2SENA - enable I2S interrupt) +// R/W -------- ---x---- (D_CPUENA - enable CPU interrupt) +// R/W -------- ----x--- (IMASK - interrupt mask) +// R/W -------- -----x-- (NEGA_FLAG - ALU negative) +// R/W -------- ------x- (CARRY_FLAG - ALU carry) +// R/W -------- -------x (ZERO_FLAG - ALU zero) +// F1A102 R/W -------- ------xx D_FLAGS - upper DSP flags +// R/W -------- ------x- (D_EXT1ENA - enable external interrupt 1) +// R/W -------- -------x (D_EXT1CLR - clear external interrupt 1) +// F1A104 W -------- ----xxxx D_MTXC - matrix control register +// W -------- ----x--- (MATCOL - column/row major) +// W -------- -----xxx (MATRIX3-15 - matrix width) +// F1A108 W ----xxxx xxxxxx-- D_MTXA - matrix address register +// F1A10C W -------- -----x-x D_END - data organization register +// W -------- -----x-- (BIG_INST - big endian instruction fetch) +// W -------- -------x (BIG_IO - big endian I/O) +// F1A110 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_PC - DSP program counter +// F1A114 R/W xxxxxxxx xx-xxxxx D_CTRL - DSP control/status register +// R xxxx---- -------- (VERSION - DSP version code) +// R/W ----x--- -------- (BUS_HOG - hog the bus!) +// R/W -----x-- -------- (D_EXT0LAT - external interrupt 0 latch) +// R/W ------x- -------- (D_TIM2LAT - timer 2 interrupt latch) +// R/W -------x -------- (D_TIM1LAT - timer 1 interrupt latch) +// R/W -------- x------- (D_I2SLAT - I2S interrupt latch) +// R/W -------- -x------ (D_CPULAT - CPU interrupt latch) +// R/W -------- ---x---- (SINGLE_GO - single step one instruction) +// R/W -------- ----x--- (SINGLE_STEP - single step mode) +// R/W -------- -----x-- (FORCEINT0 - cause interrupt 0 on GPU) +// R/W -------- ------x- (CPUINT - send GPU interrupt to CPU) +// R/W -------- -------x (DSPGO - enable DSP execution) +// F1A116 R/W -------- -------x D_CTRL - upper DSP control/status register +// R/W -------- -------x (D_EXT1LAT - external interrupt 1 latch) +// F1A118-F1A11B W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_MOD - modulo instruction mask +// F1A11C-F1A11F R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_REMAIN - divide unit remainder +// F1A11C W -------- -------x D_DIVCTRL - divide unit control +// W -------- -------x (DIV_OFFSET - 1=16.16 divide, 0=32-bit divide) +// F1A120-F1A123 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx D_MACHI - multiply & accumulate high bits +// F1A148 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx R_DAC - right transmit data +// F1A14C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx L_DAC - left transmit data +// F1A150 W -------- xxxxxxxx SCLK - serial clock frequency +// F1A150 R -------- ------xx SSTAT +// R -------- ------x- (left - no description) +// R -------- -------x (WS - word strobe status) +// F1A154 W -------- --xxxx-x SMODE - serial mode +// W -------- --x----- (EVERYWORD - interrupt on MSB of every word) +// W -------- ---x---- (FALLING - interrupt on falling edge) +// W -------- ----x--- (RISING - interrupt of rising edge) +// W -------- -----x-- (WSEN - enable word strobes) +// W -------- -------x (INTERNAL - enables serial clock) +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// F1B000-F1CFFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Local DSP RAM +// ------------------------------------------------------------ +// F1D000 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_TRI - triangle wave +// F1D200 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_SINE - full sine wave +// F1D400 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_AMSINE - amplitude modulated sine wave +// F1D600 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_12W - sine wave and second order harmonic +// F1D800 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_CHIRP16 - chirp +// F1DA00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_NTRI - traingle wave with noise +// F1DC00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_DELTA - spike +// F1DE00 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ROM_NOISE - white noise +// ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "jerry.h" @@ -199,15 +206,16 @@ void JERRYI2SCallback(void); void JERRYI2SExec(uint32 cycles) { #ifndef NEW_TIMER_SYSTEM +#warning "externed var in source--should be in header file. !!! FIX !!!" extern uint16 serialMode; // From DAC.CPP if (serialMode & 0x01) // INTERNAL flag (JERRY is master) { // Why is it called this? Instead of SCLK? Shouldn't this be read from DAC.CPP??? //Yes, it should. !!! FIX !!! - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide &= 0xFF; + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide &= 0xFF; - if (jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer == -1) + if (JERRYI2SInterruptTimer == -1) { // We don't have to divide the RISC clock rate by this--the reason is a bit // convoluted. Will put explanation here later... @@ -215,18 +223,18 @@ void JERRYI2SExec(uint32 cycles) // in one second. For example, if the sample rate is 44100, we divide the clock rate by // this: 26590906 / 44100 = 602 cycles. // Which means, every 602 cycles that go by we have to generate an interrupt. - jerryI2SCycles = 32 * (2 * (jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide + 1)); + jerryI2SCycles = 32 * (2 * (JERRYI2SInterruptDivide + 1)); } - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer -= cycles; - if (jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer <= 0) + JERYI2SInterruptTimer -= cycles; + if (JERRYI2SInterruptTimer <= 0) { //This is probably wrong as well (i.e., need to check enable lines)... !!! FIX !!! DSPSetIRQLine(DSPIRQ_SSI, ASSERT_LINE); - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer += jerryI2SCycles; + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer += jerryI2SCycles; #ifdef JERRY_DEBUG - if (jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer < 0) - WriteLog("JERRY: Missed generating an interrupt (missed %u)!\n", (-jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer / jerryI2SCycles) + 1); + if (JERRYI2SInterruptTimer < 0) + WriteLog("JERRY: Missed generating an interrupt (missed %u)!\n", (-JERRYI2SInterruptTimer / jerryI2SCycles) + 1); #endif } } @@ -237,8 +245,8 @@ void JERRYI2SExec(uint32 cycles) // The whole interrupt system is pretty much borked and is need of an overhaul. // What we need is a way of handling these interrupts when they happen instead of // scanline boundaries the way it is now. - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer -= cycles; - if (jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer <= 0) + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer -= cycles; + if (JERRYI2SInterruptTimer <= 0) { //This is probably wrong as well (i.e., need to check enable lines)... !!! FIX !!! [DONE] if (ButchIsReadyToSend())//Not sure this is right spot to check... @@ -247,7 +255,7 @@ void JERRYI2SExec(uint32 cycles) SetSSIWordsXmittedFromButch(); DSPSetIRQLine(DSPIRQ_SSI, ASSERT_LINE); } - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer += 602; + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer += 602; } } #else @@ -288,8 +296,8 @@ void JERRYResetI2S(void) { //WriteLog("i2s: reseting\n"); //This is really SCLK... !!! FIX !!! - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide = 8; - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer = -1; + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide = 8; + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer = -1; } void JERRYResetPIT1(void) @@ -356,15 +364,15 @@ void JERRYI2SCallback(void) { // Why is it called this? Instead of SCLK? Shouldn't this be read from DAC.CPP??? //Yes, it should. !!! FIX !!! -#warning "Yes, it should. !!! FIX !!!" - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide &= 0xFF; +#warning "Why is it called this? Instead of SCLK? Shouldn't this be read from DAC.CPP??? Yes, it should. !!! FIX !!!" + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide &= 0xFF; // We don't have to divide the RISC clock rate by this--the reason is a bit // convoluted. Will put explanation here later... // What's needed here is to find the ratio of the frequency to the number of clock cycles // in one second. For example, if the sample rate is 44100, we divide the clock rate by // this: 26590906 / 44100 = 602 cycles. // Which means, every 602 cycles that go by we have to generate an interrupt. - jerryI2SCycles = 32 * (2 * (jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide + 1)); + jerryI2SCycles = 32 * (2 * (JERRYI2SInterruptDivide + 1)); //This should be in this file with an extern reference in the header file so that //DAC.CPP can see it... !!! FIX !!! @@ -644,11 +652,11 @@ void JERRYWriteByte(uint32 offset, uint8 data, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/) { // WriteLog("JERRY: Writing %02X to SCLK...\n", data); if ((offset & 0x03) == 2) - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide = (jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide & 0x00FF) | ((uint32)data << 8); + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide = (JERRYI2SInterruptDivide & 0x00FF) | ((uint32)data << 8); else - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide = (jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide & 0xFF00) | (uint32)data; + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide = (JERRYI2SInterruptDivide & 0xFF00) | (uint32)data; - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer = -1; + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer = -1; #ifndef NEW_TIMER_SYSTEM jerry_i2s_exec(0); #else @@ -763,8 +771,8 @@ void JERRYWriteWord(uint32 offset, uint16 data, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/) { WriteLog("JERRY: Writing %04X to SCLK (by %s)...\n", data, whoName[who]); //This should *only* be enabled when SMODE has its INTERNAL bit set! !!! FIX !!! - jerry_i2s_interrupt_divide = (uint8)data; - jerry_i2s_interrupt_timer = -1; + JERRYI2SInterruptDivide = (uint8)data; + JERRYI2SInterruptTimer = -1; #ifndef NEW_TIMER_SYSTEM jerry_i2s_exec(0); #else