For some reason the models aren't finding their textures in their respective directories. Will try putting them here to see what happens... Didn't make any difference... Could be the "./" in front of the texture def... Check it! Didn't seem to make a difference... The game is still complaining about not being able to find "./models/07yun/Y_FACEF3", even though that isn't what's in the .MD3... Argh! Changing it to strip out the leading "./" did nothing, as did changing all forward slashes to backslashes... It still says "missing shader ./models/07yun/Y_FACEF3"... Removing the path from the texture did nothing... The problem is in the BSP--all the texture paths are preceeded by "./". Not sure how to fix. Seems you have to have the correct paths in your models *before* compiling the map...!