CadToolBarSnap 0 0 56 336 0 0 56 336 Snap 0 0 56 20 Back to main menu :res/qg_back.xpm:res/qg_back.xpm 28 20 28 28 Snap to grid :res/qg_snapgrid.xpm:res/qg_snapgrid.xpm true 0 20 28 28 Free positioning :res/qg_snapfree.xpm:res/qg_snapfree.xpm true 0 48 28 28 Snap to Endpoints :res/qg_snapendpoint.xpm:res/qg_snapendpoint.xpm true 28 48 28 28 Snap to closest point on entity :res/qg_snaponentity.xpm:res/qg_snaponentity.xpm true 0 76 28 28 Snap to center points :res/qg_snapcenter.xpm:res/qg_snapcenter.xpm true 28 76 28 28 Snap to middle points :res/qg_snapmiddle.xpm:res/qg_snapmiddle.xpm true 0 104 28 28 Snap to point with given distance to endpoint :res/qg_snapdist.xpm:res/qg_snapdist.xpm true 28 104 28 28 Snap to intersections automatically :res/qg_snapintersection.xpm:res/qg_snapintersection.xpm true 0 180 28 28 No Restriction :res/qg_restrictnothing.xpm:res/qg_restrictnothing.xpm true 28 180 28 28 Orthogonal Restriction :res/qg_restrictorthogonal.xpm:res/qg_restrictorthogonal.xpm true 0 208 28 28 Horizontal Restriction :res/qg_restricthorizontal.xpm:res/qg_restricthorizontal.xpm true 28 208 28 28 Vertical Restriction :res/qg_restrictvertical.xpm:res/qg_restrictvertical.xpm true 0 260 28 28 Move relative Zero :res/qg_relzeromove.xpm:res/qg_relzeromove.xpm false 28 260 28 28 Lock relative Zero :res/qg_relzerolock.xpm:res/qg_relzerolock.xpm true 0 132 28 28 Snap to intersections manually :res/qg_snapintersectionm.xpm:res/qg_snapintersectionm.xpm false bFree clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapFree() 20 20 20 20 bGrid clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapGrid() 20 20 20 20 bEndpoint clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapEndpoint() 20 20 20 20 bOnEntity clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapOnEntity() 20 20 20 20 bCenter clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapCenter() 20 20 20 20 bMiddle clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapMiddle() 20 20 20 20 bDist clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapDist() 20 20 20 20 bIntersection clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapIntersection() 20 20 20 20 bBack clicked() CadToolBarSnap back() 20 20 20 20 bResOrthogonal clicked() CadToolBarSnap restrictOrthogonal() 20 20 20 20 bResNothing clicked() CadToolBarSnap restrictNothing() 20 20 20 20 bRelZero clicked() CadToolBarSnap setRelativeZero() 20 20 20 20 bLockRelZero toggled(bool) CadToolBarSnap lockRelativeZero(bool) 20 20 20 20 bResHorizontal clicked() CadToolBarSnap restrictHorizontal() 20 20 20 20 bResVertical clicked() CadToolBarSnap restrictVertical() 20 20 20 20 bIntersectionManual clicked() CadToolBarSnap snapIntersectionManual() 20 20 20 20