//Generated by BehavEd rem ( "Generic elevator. Goes to point #1, goes back to point #2. [JLH]" ); rem ( "It seems that you can't specify a time programmatically--pity that." ); rem ( "It really diminshes the usefulness of this script." ); rem ( "Elevator - func_static" ); rem ( " PARM2 - ref_tag, up position, targetname" ); rem ( " PARM3 - ref_tag, down position, targetname" ); rem ( " PARM4 - func_usable, button, targetname" ); rem ( "? PARM5 - Float, travel time in milliseconds" ); rem ( " PARM6 - Float, wait time at pt1 in milliseconds" ); rem ( "Scriptrunner -" ); rem ( " PARM1 - func_static, elevator, script_targetname" ); rem ( " PARM4 - func_usable, button, targetname" ); sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_AUTO, "sound/movers/switches/switch1.mp3" ); use ( $get( STRING, "SET_PARM4")$ ); affect ( $get( STRING, "SET_PARM1")$, /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH ) { task ( "pt1" ) { move ( $tag( get(STRING, "SET_PARM2"), ORIGIN)$, $10000$ ); } task ( "pt2" ) { move ( $tag( get(STRING, "SET_PARM3"), ORIGIN)$, $10000$ ); } dowait ( "pt1" ); wait ( $get( FLOAT, "SET_PARM6")$ ); dowait ( "pt2" ); use ( $get( STRING, "SET_PARM4")$ ); }