Range markers are essentially two location markers that appear in the Range Markers ruler, and are grouped together to mark the beginning and end of a section in the timeline.

Creating a Range on the Timeline

Creating a new range can be done by right clicking on the Range Markers ruler at the top of the timeline, then selecting New Range. Two markers with the same name and opposing arrows will appear along the ruler.

It is also possible to create range markers from a selected range or region in the Editor window, or to using the Ranges & Marks List in the Editor list.

Editing a Range

Both markers of a range can be independently moved along the timeline by clicking and dragging them to the desired location.

They can also be moved together by dragging one marker.

See Moving markers for more information.

Renaming Range Markers

Ardour provides two ways to rename an existing pair of range markers:

  1. Double-clicking either of the two range markers will show a dialog for setting a new caption for the markers.
  2. The same can be achieved by right-clicking on either of the markers and selecting the Rename Range… menu item.

Removing Range Markers

Range markers can be deleted in three ways:

  1. By clicking on one of the markers and pressing the Del key.
  2. By right-clicking on one of the markers and selecting Remove Range.
  3. By clicking the markers' x button in the Ranges & Marks sidebar.

More Options

The context (right-click) menu for range markers has more options than the ones mentioned above:

Play Range Starts playback at the left marker in the pair and stops at the right marker.
Locate to Marker Moves the playhead to the selected marker.
Play from Marker Moves the playhead to the selected marker and starts playback.
Loop Range Creates a loop range off the selected range markers pair and starts playback.
Set Marker from Playhead Changes the position of the selected marker to that of the playhead.
Set Range from Selection Adjusts the position of range markers to match the current selection.
Zoom to Range Changes the zoom so that the area defined by the range markers would be maximized yet visible entirely within Ardour's window.
Glue to Bars and Beats When this option is enabled, the marker maintains its position in bars and beats even if there are changes in tempo and meter.
Loudness Assistant… Launches the Loudness Assistant to analyze the selection defined by the selected pair of range markers.
Export Range… Exports the selection defined by the selected pair of range markers.
Promote to Time Origin This makes the position of the chosen range marker the origin time. This is mostly useful when the Display delta to origin marker clock mode is enabled to display the difference between current playhead position and the origin time. Absolute time stays unaffected.
Hide Range This hides the range from the Range Markers ruler. Marker's visibility can be restored in the Ranges & Marks sidebar.
Separate Regions in Range Cuts all regions crossing the positions of the range markers.
Select All in Range Select entire regions that cross the borders of the range markers.
Select Range Create a selection from the range markers in all selected tracks and busses.