ACE Compressor

The job of this filter is to make an audio recording perceivably louder by reducing the dynamic range, that is, the difference between the loudest and the quietest parts. ACE compressor lowers the volume of loud sounds above a user-defined threshold measured in dB, then the gain of all the sound gets increased to make up for lost loudness.

ACE Compressor
ACE Compressor

Available settings are:

The plugin also provides an opt-out inline display that shows input signal, threshold, and resulting gain reduction:

Inline ACE Compressor display
Inline display

ACE Expander

Contrary to compressors, expanders increase the dynamic range either by making quite sounds quieter (downward expanders) or by making loud sounds louder (upward expanders). ACE Expander is a downward expander. It reduces the level of a signal below a user-defined threshold by user-defined ratio, then optionally increases the overall gain to make up for lost loudness.

ACE Expander
ACE Expander

Available settings are:

ACE Expander also comes with an inline widget for mixer channels that displays the input signal level, the threshold, and the amount of reduced signal.

Inline ACE Expander display
Inline display

ACE Delay

Delay effects repeat original signal after a user-defined interval. In ACE Delay, the interval is calculated from the tempo and the divisor — a musical time unit like a 1/4th note or a dotted 1/16th note. When using a delay in music production, it's usually best to sync to project's tempo, especially if there are tempo ramps in a song.

ACE Delay
ACE Delay

Available settings are:

ACE Reverb

A reverb effect emulates sound waves reflecting off the walls in a closed space which could be a a small room or a cathedral. The effect is usually applied to a "dry" audio recording, that is, one typically made in a very small room with acoustic absorption treatment so that there are little-to-no reflections. That way, a reverb effect makes the most sense as it gives you a clean slate and more freedom to shape your sound.

The ACE Reverb effect is a very simple one, based on early research to artificial reverberation by Manfred Schroeder and Ben Logan (see here for technical details). There are just two controls:

ACE High/Low Pass Filter

High-pass and low-pass filters reduce the signal below and above a certain frequency respectively. The ACE High/Low Pass filter combines the two filters in one.

Inline ACE High/Low Pass Filter display
ACE High/Low Pass Filter

Each of the two bandpass filters has three controls:

The plugin also comes with an inline display visualizing the effect that the filters have.

Inline ACE High/Low Pass Filter display
Inline display