WTH is “Note Level Editing”? (See table below, “So, to summarize…”.)

Adding new notes

For light MIDI editing, Internal Edit Mode can be used. This mode allows selecting, copying, moving and deleting notes, and also allows altering notes’ properties. To add notes using the mouse, Left-drag. For more extensive MIDI editing, Draw Mode may be preferred. New notes can be added with a click or drag, without having to hold down . However, Draw Mode doesn't allow region-level editing.

Not sure if the following paragraph is true.

In both modes, a mouse click creates a note at the pointer location (or the nearest grid point if grid is enabled), and its duration is one Grid unit, even if the grid is disabled. A mouse drag creates the note like a click does, but allows continuously setting the duration of the note until the mouse button is released.

So, to summarize:

Selecting, moving, copying, trimming, deleting regions Note Level Editing disabled, using object, range or other mouse modes
Selecting, moving, copying trimming, deleting notes Note Level Editing enabled, and using mouse object mode
Adding new notes Enabling "Note Level Editing" and then either
  • using mouse object mode and Left-drag, or
  • using mouse draw mode.

There is also a step entry editor that allows the entry of notes from a virtual keyboard.