---------------------------------------- Virtual Jaguar v2.1.1 Qt release INSTALL ---------------------------------------- REQUIREMENTS: ------------- The minimum requirements for compiling Virtual Jaguar from source are: o GCC v4.4.x or higher o SDL v1.2.14 or higher o zlib v1.2.5 o libcdio v0.90 or higher (optional, for Jaguar CD support) o OpenGL libraries o Qt 4.7.3 or higher (but not Qt 5!) o supported OS (BeOS, Linux, FreeBSD and WIN32 through mingw, MacOS); other OSs may work to but you may need to change some items in the Makefile. COMPILING: ---------- Assuming that you meet the minimum software requirements, you can compile Virtual Jaguar by issuing the following command in the directory where you decompressed the source: make Optionally you can manually strip virtualjaguar[.exe] to downsize the binary. You can also run upx on the binary as well and you'll end up with a somewhat smaller binary. That's it! You can now start the emulator with ./virtualjaguar. See the built in help (Help|Contents) for more info. For even more info, go to http://icculus.org/virtualjaguar. NOTES FOR COMPILING UNDER MAC OSX: ---------------------------------- All is not well in Appleland, but we can help. Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has decided not to ship a compiler and tools to build software. So first of all you need to download and install 'Command Line Tools for XCode'. Then, to compile the bare minimum app under OSX requires libsdl and Qt; however, these must be made statically and installed "the unix way". What that means is you have to download and unpack the source directories, then make and install them from the terminal. For libsdl, this is as simple as doing: ./configure make sudo make install libsdl makes both static *and* shared libs and installs both. Making Qt takes a bit longer (timewise), but requires not much user intervention to get things going. Basically, you do: ./configure -static -no-webkit -no-qt3support -no-framework -no-exceptions -nomake examples -nomake demos make sudo make install Be forewarned that it will use around 20 GB of disk space to build, and another 20 GB for the install! Once libsdl and Qt have been made and installed, you can now go into the folder where the Virtual Jaguar source is and do: make Assuming all went well, you should now have a nice shiny new virtualjaguar.app in that folder. Depending on how old your copy of OSX is, you might have to copy a qt_menu.nib into the app bundle like so: cp -r ~/location-where-you-built-qt/src/gui/mac/qt_menu.nib virtualjaguar.app/Contents/Resources/ Have fun!