5 // GCC/SDL port by Niels Wagenaar (Linux/WIN32) and Caz (BeOS)
6 // Cleanups and endian wrongness amelioration by James L. Hammons
7 // Note: Endian wrongness probably stems from the MAME origins of this emu and
8 // the braindead way in which MAME handles memory. :-)
10 // Note: TOM has only a 16K memory space
12 // ------------------------------------------------------------
13 // TOM REGISTERS (Mapped by Aaron Giles)
14 // ------------------------------------------------------------
15 // F00000-F0FFFF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Internal Registers
16 // F00000 R/W -x-xx--- xxxxxxxx MEMCON1 - memory config reg 1
17 // -x------ -------- (CPU32 - is the CPU 32bits?)
18 // ---xx--- -------- (IOSPEED - external I/O clock cycles)
19 // -------- x------- (FASTROM - reduces ROM clock cycles)
20 // -------- -xx----- (DRAMSPEED - sets RAM clock cycles)
21 // -------- ---xx--- (ROMSPEED - sets ROM clock cycles)
22 // -------- -----xx- (ROMWIDTH - sets width of ROM: 8,16,32,64 bits)
23 // -------- -------x (ROMHI - controls ROM mapping)
24 // F00002 R/W --xxxxxx xxxxxxxx MEMCON2 - memory config reg 2
25 // --x----- -------- (HILO - image display bit order)
26 // ---x---- -------- (BIGEND - big endian addressing?)
27 // ----xxxx -------- (REFRATE - DRAM refresh rate)
28 // -------- xx------ (DWIDTH1 - DRAM1 width: 8,16,32,64 bits)
29 // -------- --xx---- (COLS1 - DRAM1 columns: 256,512,1024,2048)
30 // -------- ----xx-- (DWIDTH0 - DRAM0 width: 8,16,32,64 bits)
31 // -------- ------xx (COLS0 - DRAM0 columns: 256,512,1024,2048)
32 // F00004 R/W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HC - horizontal count
33 // -----x-- -------- (which half of the display)
34 // ------xx xxxxxxxx (10-bit counter)
35 // F00006 R/W ----xxxx xxxxxxxx VC - vertical count
36 // ----x--- -------- (which field is being generated)
37 // -----xxx xxxxxxxx (11-bit counter)
38 // F00008 R -----xxx xxxxxxxx LPH - light pen horizontal position
39 // F0000A R -----xxx xxxxxxxx LPV - light pen vertical position
40 // F00010-F00017 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx OB - current object code from the graphics processor
41 // F00020-F00023 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx OLP - start of the object list
42 // F00026 W -------- -------x OBF - object processor flag
43 // F00028 W ----xxxx xxxxxxxx VMODE - video mode
44 // W ----xxx- -------- (PWIDTH1-8 - width of pixel in video clock cycles)
45 // W -------x -------- (VARMOD - enable variable color resolution)
46 // W -------- x------- (BGEN - clear line buffer to BG color)
47 // W -------- -x------ (CSYNC - enable composite sync on VSYNC)
48 // W -------- --x----- (BINC - local border color if INCEN)
49 // W -------- ---x---- (INCEN - encrustation enable)
50 // W -------- ----x--- (GENLOCK - enable genlock)
51 // W -------- -----xx- (MODE - CRY16,RGB24,DIRECT16,RGB16)
52 // W -------- -------x (VIDEN - enables video)
53 // F0002A W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx BORD1 - border color (red/green)
54 // F0002C W -------- xxxxxxxx BORD2 - border color (blue)
55 // F0002E W ------xx xxxxxxxx HP - horizontal period
56 // F00030 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HBB - horizontal blanking begin
57 // F00032 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HBE - horizontal blanking end
58 // F00034 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HSYNC - horizontal sync
59 // F00036 W ------xx xxxxxxxx HVS - horizontal vertical sync
60 // F00038 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HDB1 - horizontal display begin 1
61 // F0003A W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HDB2 - horizontal display begin 2
62 // F0003C W -----xxx xxxxxxxx HDE - horizontal display end
63 // F0003E W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VP - vertical period
64 // F00040 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VBB - vertical blanking begin
65 // F00042 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VBE - vertical blanking end
66 // F00044 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VS - vertical sync
67 // F00046 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VDB - vertical display begin
68 // F00048 W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VDE - vertical display end
69 // F0004A W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VEB - vertical equalization begin
70 // F0004C W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VEE - vertical equalization end
71 // F0004E W -----xxx xxxxxxxx VI - vertical interrupt
72 // F00050 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx PIT0 - programmable interrupt timer 0
73 // F00052 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx PIT1 - programmable interrupt timer 1
74 // F00054 W ------xx xxxxxxxx HEQ - horizontal equalization end
75 // F00058 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx BG - background color
76 // F000E0 R/W ---xxxxx ---xxxxx INT1 - CPU interrupt control register
77 // ---x---- -------- (C_JERCLR - clear pending Jerry ints)
78 // ----x--- -------- (C_PITCLR - clear pending PIT ints)
79 // -----x-- -------- (C_OPCLR - clear pending object processor ints)
80 // ------x- -------- (C_GPUCLR - clear pending graphics processor ints)
81 // -------x -------- (C_VIDCLR - clear pending video timebase ints)
82 // -------- ---x---- (C_JERENA - enable Jerry ints)
83 // -------- ----x--- (C_PITENA - enable PIT ints)
84 // -------- -----x-- (C_OPENA - enable object processor ints)
85 // -------- ------x- (C_GPUENA - enable graphics processor ints)
86 // -------- -------x (C_VIDENA - enable video timebase ints)
87 // F000E2 W -------- -------- INT2 - CPU interrupt resume register
88 // F00400-F005FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx CLUT - color lookup table A
89 // F00600-F007FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx CLUT - color lookup table B
90 // F00800-F00D9F R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx LBUF - line buffer A
91 // F01000-F0159F R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx LBUF - line buffer B
92 // F01800-F01D9F R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx LBUF - line buffer currently selected
93 // ------------------------------------------------------------
94 // F02000-F021FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx GPU control registers
95 // F02100 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G_FLAGS - GPU flags register
96 // R/W x------- -------- (DMAEN - DMA enable)
97 // R/W -x------ -------- (REGPAGE - register page)
98 // W --x----- -------- (G_BLITCLR - clear blitter interrupt)
99 // W ---x---- -------- (G_OPCLR - clear object processor int)
100 // W ----x--- -------- (G_PITCLR - clear PIT interrupt)
101 // W -----x-- -------- (G_JERCLR - clear Jerry interrupt)
102 // W ------x- -------- (G_CPUCLR - clear CPU interrupt)
103 // R/W -------x -------- (G_BLITENA - enable blitter interrupt)
104 // R/W -------- x------- (G_OPENA - enable object processor int)
105 // R/W -------- -x------ (G_PITENA - enable PIT interrupt)
106 // R/W -------- --x----- (G_JERENA - enable Jerry interrupt)
107 // R/W -------- ---x---- (G_CPUENA - enable CPU interrupt)
108 // R/W -------- ----x--- (IMASK - interrupt mask)
109 // R/W -------- -----x-- (NEGA_FLAG - ALU negative)
110 // R/W -------- ------x- (CARRY_FLAG - ALU carry)
111 // R/W -------- -------x (ZERO_FLAG - ALU zero)
112 // F02104 W -------- ----xxxx G_MTXC - matrix control register
113 // W -------- ----x--- (MATCOL - column/row major)
114 // W -------- -----xxx (MATRIX3-15 - matrix width)
115 // F02108 W ----xxxx xxxxxx-- G_MTXA - matrix address register
116 // F0210C W -------- -----xxx G_END - data organization register
117 // W -------- -----x-- (BIG_INST - big endian instruction fetch)
118 // W -------- ------x- (BIG_PIX - big endian pixels)
119 // W -------- -------x (BIG_IO - big endian I/O)
120 // F02110 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G_PC - GPU program counter
121 // F02114 R/W xxxxxxxx xx-xxxxx G_CTRL - GPU control/status register
122 // R xxxx---- -------- (VERSION - GPU version code)
123 // R/W ----x--- -------- (BUS_HOG - hog the bus!)
124 // R/W -----x-- -------- (G_BLITLAT - blitter interrupt latch)
125 // R/W ------x- -------- (G_OPLAT - object processor int latch)
126 // R/W -------x -------- (G_PITLAT - PIT interrupt latch)
127 // R/W -------- x------- (G_JERLAT - Jerry interrupt latch)
128 // R/W -------- -x------ (G_CPULAT - CPU interrupt latch)
129 // R/W -------- ---x---- (SINGLE_GO - single step one instruction)
130 // R/W -------- ----x--- (SINGLE_STEP - single step mode)
131 // R/W -------- -----x-- (FORCEINT0 - cause interrupt 0 on GPU)
132 // R/W -------- ------x- (CPUINT - send GPU interrupt to CPU)
133 // R/W -------- -------x (GPUGO - enable GPU execution)
134 // F02118-F0211B R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G_HIDATA - high data register
135 // F0211C-F0211F R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G_REMAIN - divide unit remainder
136 // F0211C W -------- -------x G_DIVCTRL - divide unit control
137 // W -------- -------x (DIV_OFFSET - 1=16.16 divide, 0=32-bit divide)
138 // ------------------------------------------------------------
140 // ------------------------------------------------------------
141 // F02200-F022FF R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Blitter registers
142 // F02200 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_BASE - A1 base register
143 // F02204 W -------- ---xxxxx -xxxxxxx xxxxx-xx A1_FLAGS - A1 flags register
144 // W -------- ---x---- -------- -------- (YSIGNSUB - invert sign of Y delta)
145 // W -------- ----x--- -------- -------- (XSIGNSUB - invert sign of X delta)
146 // W -------- -----x-- -------- -------- (Y add control)
147 // W -------- ------xx -------- -------- (X add control)
148 // W -------- -------- -xxxxxx- -------- (width in 6-bit floating point)
149 // W -------- -------- -------x xx------ (ZOFFS1-6 - Z data offset)
150 // W -------- -------- -------- --xxx--- (PIXEL - pixel size)
151 // W -------- -------- -------- ------xx (PITCH1-4 - data phrase pitch)
152 // F02208 W -xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_CLIP - A1 clipping size
153 // W -xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (height)
154 // W -------- -------- -xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (width)
155 // F0220C R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_PIXEL - A1 pixel pointer
156 // R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y pixel value)
157 // R/W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X pixel value)
158 // F02210 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_STEP - A1 step value
159 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y step value)
160 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X step value)
161 // F02214 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_FSTEP - A1 step fraction value
162 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y step fraction value)
163 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X step fraction value)
164 // F02218 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_FPIXEL - A1 pixel pointer fraction
165 // R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y pixel fraction value)
166 // R/W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X pixel fraction value)
167 // F0221C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_INC - A1 increment
168 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y increment)
169 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X increment)
170 // F02220 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A1_FINC - A1 increment fraction
171 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y increment fraction)
172 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X increment fraction)
173 // F02224 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A2_BASE - A2 base register
174 // F02228 W -------- ---xxxxx -xxxxxxx xxxxx-xx A2_FLAGS - A2 flags register
175 // W -------- ---x---- -------- -------- (YSIGNSUB - invert sign of Y delta)
176 // W -------- ----x--- -------- -------- (XSIGNSUB - invert sign of X delta)
177 // W -------- -----x-- -------- -------- (Y add control)
178 // W -------- ------xx -------- -------- (X add control)
179 // W -------- -------- -xxxxxx- -------- (width in 6-bit floating point)
180 // W -------- -------- -------x xx------ (ZOFFS1-6 - Z data offset)
181 // W -------- -------- -------- --xxx--- (PIXEL - pixel size)
182 // W -------- -------- -------- ------xx (PITCH1-4 - data phrase pitch)
183 // F0222C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A2_MASK - A2 window mask
184 // F02230 R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A2_PIXEL - A2 pixel pointer
185 // R/W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y pixel value)
186 // R/W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X pixel value)
187 // F02234 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx A2_STEP - A2 step value
188 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (Y step value)
189 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (X step value)
190 // F02238 W -xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_CMD - command register
191 // W -x------ -------- -------- -------- (SRCSHADE - modify source intensity)
192 // W --x----- -------- -------- -------- (BUSHI - hi priority bus)
193 // W ---x---- -------- -------- -------- (BKGWREN - writeback destination)
194 // W ----x--- -------- -------- -------- (DCOMPEN - write inhibit from data comparator)
195 // W -----x-- -------- -------- -------- (BCOMPEN - write inhibit from bit coparator)
196 // W ------x- -------- -------- -------- (CMPDST - compare dest instead of src)
197 // W -------x xxx----- -------- -------- (logical operation)
198 // W -------- ---xxx-- -------- -------- (ZMODE - Z comparator mode)
199 // W -------- ------x- -------- -------- (ADDDSEL - select sum of src & dst)
200 // W -------- -------x -------- -------- (PATDSEL - select pattern data)
201 // W -------- -------- x------- -------- (TOPNEN - enable carry into top intensity nibble)
202 // W -------- -------- -x------ -------- (TOPBEN - enable carry into top intensity byte)
203 // W -------- -------- --x----- -------- (ZBUFF - enable Z updates in inner loop)
204 // W -------- -------- ---x---- -------- (GOURD - enable gouraud shading in inner loop)
205 // W -------- -------- ----x--- -------- (DSTA2 - reverses A2/A1 roles)
206 // W -------- -------- -----x-- -------- (UPDA2 - add A2 step to A2 in outer loop)
207 // W -------- -------- ------x- -------- (UPDA1 - add A1 step to A1 in outer loop)
208 // W -------- -------- -------x -------- (UPDA1F - add A1 fraction step to A1 in outer loop)
209 // W -------- -------- -------- x------- (diagnostic use)
210 // W -------- -------- -------- -x------ (CLIP_A1 - clip A1 to window)
211 // W -------- -------- -------- --x----- (DSTWRZ - enable dest Z write in inner loop)
212 // W -------- -------- -------- ---x---- (DSTENZ - enable dest Z read in inner loop)
213 // W -------- -------- -------- ----x--- (DSTEN - enables dest data read in inner loop)
214 // W -------- -------- -------- -----x-- (SRCENX - enable extra src read at start of inner)
215 // W -------- -------- -------- ------x- (SRCENZ - enables source Z read in inner loop)
216 // W -------- -------- -------- -------x (SRCEN - enables source data read in inner loop)
217 // F02238 R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_CMD - status register
218 // R xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (inner count)
219 // R -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxx-- (diagnostics)
220 // R -------- -------- -------- ------x- (STOPPED - when stopped in collision detect)
221 // R -------- -------- -------- -------x (IDLE - when idle)
222 // F0223C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_COUNT - counters register
223 // W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx -------- -------- (outer loop count)
224 // W -------- -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (inner loop count)
225 // F02240-F02247 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_SRCD - source data register
226 // F02248-F0224F W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_DSTD - destination data register
227 // F02250-F02257 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_DSTZ - destination Z register
228 // F02258-F0225F W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_SRCZ1 - source Z register 1
229 // F02260-F02267 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_SRCZ2 - source Z register 2
230 // F02268-F0226F W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_PATD - pattern data register
231 // F02270 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_IINC - intensity increment
232 // F02274 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_ZINC - Z increment
233 // F02278 W -------- -------- -------- -----xxx B_STOP - collision control
234 // W -------- -------- -------- -----x-- (STOPEN - enable blitter collision stops)
235 // W -------- -------- -------- ------x- (ABORT - abort after stop)
236 // W -------- -------- -------- -------x (RESUME - resume after stop)
237 // F0227C W -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_I3 - intensity 3
238 // F02280 W -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_I2 - intensity 2
239 // F02284 W -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_I1 - intensity 1
240 // F02288 W -------- xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_I0 - intensity 0
241 // F0228C W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_Z3 - Z3
242 // F02290 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_Z2 - Z2
243 // F02294 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_Z1 - Z1
244 // F02298 W xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx B_Z0 - Z0
245 // ------------------------------------------------------------
253 #include "settings.h"
255 // TOM registers (offset from $F00000)
262 #define MODE 0x0006 // Line buffer to video generator mode
263 #define BGEN 0x0080 // Background enable (CRY & RGB16 only)
264 #define VARMOD 0x0100 // Mixed CRY/RGB16 mode (only works in MODE 0!)
265 #define PWIDTH 0x0E00 // Pixel width in video clock cycles (value written + 1)
266 #define BORD1 0x2A // Border green/red values (8 BPP)
267 #define BORD2 0x2C // Border blue value (8 BPP)
268 #define HP 0x2E // Values range from 1 - 1024 (value written + 1)
274 #define VP 0x3E // Value ranges from 1 - 2048 (value written + 1)
284 //NOTE: These arbitrary cutoffs are NOT taken into account for PAL jaguar screens. !!! FIX !!!
286 // Arbitrary video cutoff values (i.e., first/last visible spots on a TV, in HC ticks)
287 /*#define LEFT_VISIBLE_HC 208
288 #define RIGHT_VISIBLE_HC 1528//*/
289 #define LEFT_VISIBLE_HC 208
290 #define RIGHT_VISIBLE_HC 1488
291 //#define TOP_VISIBLE_VC 25
292 //#define BOTTOM_VISIBLE_VC 503
293 #define TOP_VISIBLE_VC 31
294 #define BOTTOM_VISIBLE_VC 511
296 //Are these PAL horizontals correct?
297 //They seem to be for the most part, but there are some games that seem to be
298 //shifted over to the right from this "window".
299 #define LEFT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL 208
300 #define RIGHT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL 1488
301 #define TOP_VISIBLE_VC_PAL 67
302 #define BOTTOM_VISIBLE_VC_PAL 579
304 //This can be defined in the makefile as well...
305 //(It's easier to do it here, though...)
308 extern uint8 objectp_running;
310 static uint8 * tom_ram_8;
311 uint32 tom_width, tom_height, tom_real_internal_width;
312 static uint32 tom_timer_prescaler;
313 static uint32 tom_timer_divider;
314 static int32 tom_timer_counter;
315 //uint32 tom_scanline;
316 //uint32 hblankWidthInPixels = 0;
317 uint16 tom_jerry_int_pending, tom_timer_int_pending, tom_object_int_pending,
318 tom_gpu_int_pending, tom_video_int_pending;
319 uint16 * tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut;
320 //int16 * TOMBackbuffer;
321 uint32 * TOMBackbuffer;
323 static char * videoMode_to_str[8] =
324 { "16 BPP CRY", "24 BPP RGB", "16 BPP DIRECT", "16 BPP RGB",
325 "Mixed mode", "24 BPP RGB", "16 BPP DIRECT", "16 BPP RGB" };
327 typedef void (render_xxx_scanline_fn)(uint32 *);
329 // Private function prototypes
331 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
332 void tom_render_24bpp_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
333 void tom_render_16bpp_direct_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
334 void tom_render_16bpp_rgb_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
335 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
337 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_stretch_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
338 void tom_render_24bpp_stretch_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
339 void tom_render_16bpp_direct_stretch_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
340 void tom_render_16bpp_rgb_stretch_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
341 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_stretch_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer);
343 render_xxx_scanline_fn * scanline_render_normal[]=
345 tom_render_16bpp_cry_scanline,
346 tom_render_24bpp_scanline,
347 tom_render_16bpp_direct_scanline,
348 tom_render_16bpp_rgb_scanline,
349 tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_scanline,
350 tom_render_24bpp_scanline,
351 tom_render_16bpp_direct_scanline,
352 tom_render_16bpp_rgb_scanline
355 render_xxx_scanline_fn * scanline_render_stretch[]=
357 tom_render_16bpp_cry_stretch_scanline,
358 tom_render_24bpp_stretch_scanline,
359 tom_render_16bpp_direct_stretch_scanline,
360 tom_render_16bpp_rgb_stretch_scanline,
361 tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_stretch_scanline,
362 tom_render_24bpp_stretch_scanline,
363 tom_render_16bpp_direct_stretch_scanline,
364 tom_render_16bpp_rgb_stretch_scanline,
367 render_xxx_scanline_fn * scanline_render[8];
370 // Screen info for various games [PAL]...
373 TOM: Horizontal Period written by M68K: 850 (+1*2 = 1702)
374 TOM: Horizontal Blank Begin written by M68K: 1711
375 TOM: Horizontal Blank End written by M68K: 158
376 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1696
377 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 166
378 TOM: Vertical Period written by M68K: 623 (non-interlaced)
379 TOM: Vertical Blank End written by M68K: 34
380 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 46
381 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 526
382 TOM: Vertical Blank Begin written by M68K: 600
383 TOM: Vertical Sync written by M68K: 618
384 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1665
385 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 203
386 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 38
387 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 518
388 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 151)
389 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1713
390 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 157
391 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 35
392 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
393 Horizontal range: 157 - 1713 (width: 1557 / 4 = 389.25, / 5 = 315.4)
396 TOM: Horizontal Period written by M68K: 845 (+1*2 = 1692)
397 TOM: Horizontal Blank Begin written by M68K: 1700
398 TOM: Horizontal Blank End written by M68K: 122
399 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1600
400 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 268
401 TOM: Vertical Period written by M68K: 523 (non-interlaced)
402 TOM: Vertical Blank End written by M68K: 40
403 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 44
404 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 492
405 TOM: Vertical Blank Begin written by M68K: 532
406 TOM: Vertical Sync written by M68K: 513
407 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 04C7. PWIDTH = 3, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 461)
410 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1713
411 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 157
412 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 35
413 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
414 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 89)
415 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 208
416 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1662
417 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 100
418 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
419 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 07C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN VARMOD (VC = 205)
420 Horizontal range: 208 - 1662 (width: 1455 / 4 = 363.5)
423 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 96
424 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
425 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 239
426 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1692
427 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 378)
428 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 44
429 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
430 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 239
431 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1692
432 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 559)
433 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 84
434 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
435 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 239
436 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1692
437 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 44
438 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
439 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 239
440 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1692
441 Horizontal range: 239 - 1692 (width: 1454 / 4 = 363.5)
445 // Screen info for various games [NTSC]...
448 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
449 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 123
450 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 25
451 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
452 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 0EC1. PWIDTH = 8, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 5)
453 Also does PWIDTH = 4...
454 Vertical resolution: 238 lines
457 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
458 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 123
459 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 25
460 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
461 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 507
462 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 92)
463 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 208
464 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1670
465 Display starts at 31, then 52!
466 Vertical resolution: 238 lines
469 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
470 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 123
471 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 25
472 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
473 TOM: Video Mode written by GPU: 08C7. PWIDTH = 5, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 4)
474 TOM: Video Mode written by GPU: 06C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 508)
475 Display starts at 31 (PWIDTH = 4), 24 (PWIDTH = 5)
478 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 2047
479 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 0)
480 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
481 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 123
482 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 25
483 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
484 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 507
485 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 369)
486 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 510)
487 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C3. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 24 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 510)
489 Vertical resolution: 238 lines
490 [Seems to be a problem between the horizontal positioning of the 16-bit CRY & 24-bit RGB]
493 TOM: Horizontal Period written by M68K: 844 (+1*2 = 1690)
494 TOM: Horizontal Blank Begin written by M68K: 1713
495 TOM: Horizontal Blank End written by M68K: 125
496 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1696
497 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 166
498 TOM: Vertical Period written by M68K: 523 (non-interlaced)
499 TOM: Vertical Blank End written by M68K: 24
500 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 46
501 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 496
502 TOM: Vertical Blank Begin written by M68K: 500
503 TOM: Vertical Sync written by M68K: 517
504 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 497
505 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 04C1. PWIDTH = 3, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 270)
509 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
510 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 123
511 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 25
512 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
513 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 507
514 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C7. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 9)
517 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1823
518 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 45
519 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 40
520 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
521 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 491
522 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 06C1. PWIDTH = 4, MODE = 16 BPP CRY, flags: BGEN (VC = 398)
523 Display starts at 11 (123 - 45 = 78, 78 / 4 = 19 pixels to skip)
524 Width is 417, so maybe width of 379 would be good (starting at 123, ending at 1639)
525 Vertical resolution: 238 lines
528 TOM: Horizontal Display End written by M68K: 1727
529 TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by M68K: 188
530 TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by M68K: 1
531 TOM: Vertical Display End written by M68K: 2047
532 TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by M68K: 483
533 TOM: Video Mode written by M68K: 08C7. PWIDTH = 5, MODE = 16 BPP RGB, flags: BGEN (VC = 99)
534 Width would be 303 with above scheme, but border width would be 13 pixels
537 Vertical resolution: 238 lines
540 uint32 RGB16ToRGB32[0x10000];
541 uint32 CRY16ToRGB32[0x10000];
542 uint32 MIX16ToRGB32[0x10000];
544 void TOMFillLookupTables(void)
546 for(uint32 i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
547 RGB16ToRGB32[i] = 0xFF000000
548 | ((i & 0xF100) >> 8) | ((i & 0xE000) >> 13)
549 | ((i & 0x07C0) << 13) | ((i & 0x0700) << 8)
550 | ((i & 0x003F) << 10) | ((i & 0x0030) << 4);
553 for(uint32 i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
555 uint32 chrm = (i & 0xF000) >> 12,
556 chrl = (i & 0x0F00) >> 8,
559 uint32 r = (((uint32)redcv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 8,
560 g = (((uint32)greencv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 8,
561 b = (((uint32)bluecv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 8;
563 CRY16ToRGB32[i] = 0xFF000000 | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
564 MIX16ToRGB32[i] = CRY16ToRGB32[i];
567 for(uint32 i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
569 MIX16ToRGB32[i] = RGB16ToRGB32[i];
572 /*void tom_calc_cry_rgb_mix_lut(void)
574 for (uint32 i=0; i<0x10000; i++)
581 color = (color & 0x007C00) | ((color & 0x00003E0) >> 5) | ((color & 0x0000001F) << 5);
585 uint32 chrm = (color & 0xF000) >> 12,
586 chrl = (color & 0x0F00) >> 8,
588 uint16 red = (((uint32)redcv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 11,
589 green = (((uint32)greencv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 11,
590 blue = (((uint32)bluecv[chrm][chrl]) * y) >> 11;
591 color = (red << 10) | (green << 5) | blue;
594 tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut[i] = color;
598 void tom_set_pending_jerry_int(void)
600 tom_jerry_int_pending = 1;
603 void tom_set_pending_timer_int(void)
605 tom_timer_int_pending = 1;
608 void tom_set_pending_object_int(void)
610 tom_object_int_pending = 1;
613 void tom_set_pending_gpu_int(void)
615 tom_gpu_int_pending = 1;
618 void tom_set_pending_video_int(void)
620 tom_video_int_pending = 1;
623 uint8 * tom_get_ram_pointer(void)
628 uint8 tom_getVideoMode(void)
630 uint16 vmode = GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE);
631 return ((vmode & VARMOD) >> 6) | ((vmode & MODE) >> 1);
634 //Used in only one place (and for debug purposes): OBJECTP.CPP
635 uint16 tom_get_vdb(void)
637 // This in NOT VDB!!!
638 // return GET16(tom_ram_8, VBE);
639 return GET16(tom_ram_8, VDB);
643 // 16 BPP CRY/RGB mixed mode rendering
645 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer)
648 uint16 width = tom_width;
649 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
651 //New stuff--restrict our drawing...
652 uint8 pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
653 //NOTE: May have to check HDB2 as well!
654 // Get start position in HC ticks
655 int16 startPos = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1) - (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? LEFT_VISIBLE_HC : LEFT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL);
658 current_line_buffer += 2 * -startPos;
660 //This case doesn't properly handle the "start on the right side of virtual screen" case
661 //Dunno why--looks Ok...
662 //What *is* for sure wrong is that it doesn't copy the linebuffer's BG pixels...
663 //This should likely be 4 instead of 2 (?--not sure)
664 backbuffer += 2 * startPos, width -= startPos;
668 uint16 color = (*current_line_buffer++) << 8;
669 color |= *current_line_buffer++;
670 // *backbuffer++ = tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut[color];
671 *backbuffer++ = MIX16ToRGB32[color];
677 // 16 BPP CRY mode rendering
679 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer)
682 uint16 width = tom_width;
683 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
685 //New stuff--restrict our drawing...
686 uint8 pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
687 //NOTE: May have to check HDB2 as well!
688 int16 startPos = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1) - (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? LEFT_VISIBLE_HC : LEFT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL);// Get start position in HC ticks
691 current_line_buffer += 2 * -startPos;
693 //This should likely be 4 instead of 2 (?--not sure)
694 backbuffer += 2 * startPos, width -= startPos;
698 uint16 color = (*current_line_buffer++) << 8;
699 color |= *current_line_buffer++;
700 *backbuffer++ = CRY16ToRGB32[color];
706 // 24 BPP mode rendering
708 void tom_render_24bpp_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer)
711 uint16 width = tom_width;
712 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
714 //New stuff--restrict our drawing...
715 uint8 pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
716 //NOTE: May have to check HDB2 as well!
717 int16 startPos = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1) - (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? LEFT_VISIBLE_HC : LEFT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL); // Get start position in HC ticks
720 current_line_buffer += 4 * -startPos;
722 //This should likely be 4 instead of 2 (?--not sure)
723 backbuffer += 2 * startPos, width -= startPos;
727 uint32 g = *current_line_buffer++;
728 uint32 r = *current_line_buffer++;
729 current_line_buffer++;
730 uint32 b = *current_line_buffer++;
731 *backbuffer++ = 0xFF000000 | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
736 //Seems to me that this is NOT a valid mode--the JTRM seems to imply that you would need
737 //extra hardware outside of the Jaguar console to support this!
739 // 16 BPP direct mode rendering
741 void tom_render_16bpp_direct_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer)
743 uint16 width = tom_width;
744 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
748 uint16 color = (*current_line_buffer++) << 8;
749 color |= *current_line_buffer++;
750 *backbuffer++ = color >> 1;
756 // 16 BPP RGB mode rendering
758 void tom_render_16bpp_rgb_scanline(uint32 * backbuffer)
761 // 16 BPP RGB: 0-5 green, 6-10 blue, 11-15 red
763 uint16 width = tom_width;
764 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
766 //New stuff--restrict our drawing...
767 uint8 pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
768 //NOTE: May have to check HDB2 as well!
769 int16 startPos = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1) - (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? LEFT_VISIBLE_HC : LEFT_VISIBLE_HC_PAL); // Get start position in HC ticks
773 current_line_buffer += 2 * -startPos;
775 //This should likely be 4 instead of 2 (?--not sure)
776 backbuffer += 2 * startPos, width -= startPos;
780 uint32 color = (*current_line_buffer++) << 8;
781 color |= *current_line_buffer++;
782 *backbuffer++ = RGB16ToRGB32[color];
787 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
788 // This stuff may just go away by itself, especially if we do some //
789 // good old OpenGL goodness... //
790 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
792 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_rgb_mix_stretch_scanline(uint32 *backbuffer)
794 uint16 width=tom_width;
795 uint8 *current_line_buffer=(uint8*)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
800 color=*current_line_buffer++;
802 color|=*current_line_buffer++;
803 *backbuffer++=tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut[color];
804 current_line_buffer+=2;
809 void tom_render_16bpp_cry_stretch_scanline(uint32 *backbuffer)
811 uint32 chrm, chrl, y;
813 uint16 width=tom_width;
814 uint8 *current_line_buffer=(uint8*)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
819 color=*current_line_buffer++;
821 color|=*current_line_buffer++;
823 chrm = (color & 0xF000) >> 12;
824 chrl = (color & 0x0F00) >> 8;
825 y = (color & 0x00FF);
827 uint16 red = ((((uint32)redcv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
828 uint16 green = ((((uint32)greencv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
829 uint16 blue = ((((uint32)bluecv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
832 color2=*current_line_buffer++;
834 color2|=*current_line_buffer++;
836 chrm = (color2 & 0xF000) >> 12;
837 chrl = (color2 & 0x0F00) >> 8;
838 y = (color2 & 0x00FF);
840 uint16 red2 = ((((uint32)redcv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
841 uint16 green2 = ((((uint32)greencv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
842 uint16 blue2 = ((((uint32)bluecv[chrm][chrl])*y)>>11);
845 green=(green+green2)>>1;
846 blue=(blue+blue2)>>1;
848 *backbuffer++=(red<<10)|(green<<5)|blue;
853 void tom_render_24bpp_stretch_scanline(uint32 *backbuffer)
855 uint16 width=tom_width;
856 uint8 *current_line_buffer=(uint8*)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
860 uint16 green=*current_line_buffer++;
861 uint16 red=*current_line_buffer++;
862 /*uint16 nc=*/current_line_buffer++;
863 uint16 blue=*current_line_buffer++;
867 *backbuffer++=(red<<10)|(green<<5)|blue;
868 current_line_buffer+=4;
873 void tom_render_16bpp_direct_stretch_scanline(uint32 *backbuffer)
875 uint16 width=tom_width;
876 uint8 *current_line_buffer=(uint8*)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
880 uint16 color=*current_line_buffer++;
882 color|=*current_line_buffer++;
885 current_line_buffer+=2;
890 void tom_render_16bpp_rgb_stretch_scanline(uint32 *backbuffer)
892 uint16 width=tom_width;
893 uint8 *current_line_buffer=(uint8*)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
897 uint16 color1=*current_line_buffer++;
899 color1|=*current_line_buffer++;
901 uint16 color2=*current_line_buffer++;
903 color2|=*current_line_buffer++;
905 uint16 red=(((color1&0x7c00)>>10)+((color2&0x7c00)>>10))>>1;
906 uint16 green=(((color1&0x00003e0)>>5)+((color2&0x00003e0)>>5))>>1;
907 uint16 blue=(((color1&0x0000001f))+((color2&0x0000001f)))>>1;
909 color1=(red<<10)|(blue<<5)|green;
910 *backbuffer++=color1;
915 void TOMResetBackbuffer(uint32 * backbuffer)
917 TOMBackbuffer = backbuffer;
921 // Process a single scanline
923 void TOMExecScanline(uint16 scanline, bool render)
925 bool inActiveDisplayArea = true;
927 //Interlacing is still not handled correctly here... !!! FIX !!!
928 if (scanline & 0x01) // Execute OP only on even lines (non-interlaced only!)
931 if (scanline >= (uint16)GET16(tom_ram_8, VDB) && scanline < (uint16)GET16(tom_ram_8, VDE))
935 uint8 * current_line_buffer = (uint8 *)&tom_ram_8[0x1800];
936 uint8 bgHI = tom_ram_8[BG], bgLO = tom_ram_8[BG + 1];
938 // Clear line buffer with BG
939 if (GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & BGEN) // && (CRY or RGB16)...
940 for(uint32 i=0; i<720; i++)
941 *current_line_buffer++ = bgHI, *current_line_buffer++ = bgLO;
943 OPProcessList(scanline, render);
947 inActiveDisplayArea = false;
949 //Try to take PAL into account...
950 uint16 topVisible = (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? TOP_VISIBLE_VC : TOP_VISIBLE_VC_PAL),
951 bottomVisible = (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? BOTTOM_VISIBLE_VC : BOTTOM_VISIBLE_VC_PAL);
952 // Here's our virtualized scanline code...
953 if (scanline >= topVisible && scanline < bottomVisible)
955 if (inActiveDisplayArea)
956 scanline_render[tom_getVideoMode()](TOMBackbuffer);
959 // If outside of VDB & VDE, then display the border color
960 /* int16 * currentLineBuffer = TOMBackbuffer;
961 uint8 g = tom_ram_8[BORD1], r = tom_ram_8[BORD1 + 1], b = tom_ram_8[BORD2 + 1];
962 uint16 pixel = ((r & 0xF8) << 7) | ((g & 0xF8) << 2) | (b >> 3);//*/
963 uint32 * currentLineBuffer = TOMBackbuffer;
964 uint8 g = tom_ram_8[BORD1], r = tom_ram_8[BORD1 + 1], b = tom_ram_8[BORD2 + 1];
965 uint32 pixel = 0xFF000000 | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
967 for(uint32 i=0; i<tom_width; i++)
968 *currentLineBuffer++ = pixel;
971 // TOMBackbuffer += GetSDLScreenPitch() / 2; // Returns bytes, but we need words
972 TOMBackbuffer += GetSDLScreenPitch() / 4; // Returns bytes, but we need dwords
977 // TOM initialization
981 memory_malloc_secure((void **)&tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut, 2 * 0x10000, "CRY/RGB mixed mode LUT");
985 //This should be done by JERRY! pcm_init();
986 memory_malloc_secure((void **)&tom_ram_8, 0x4000, "TOM RAM");
988 // Setup the non-stretchy scanline rendering...
989 memcpy(scanline_render, scanline_render_normal, sizeof(scanline_render));
990 // tom_calc_cry_rgb_mix_lut();
991 TOMFillLookupTables();
997 //This should be done by JERRY! pcm_done();
999 WriteLog("TOM: Resolution %i x %i %s\n", tom_getVideoModeWidth(), tom_getVideoModeHeight(),
1000 videoMode_to_str[tom_getVideoMode()]);
1001 // WriteLog("\ntom: object processor:\n");
1002 // WriteLog("tom: pointer to object list: 0x%.8x\n",op_get_list_pointer());
1003 // WriteLog("tom: INT1=0x%.2x%.2x\n",TOMReadByte(0xf000e0),TOMReadByte(0xf000e1));
1006 memory_free(tom_ram_8);
1007 memory_free(tom_cry_rgb_mix_lut);
1010 /*uint32 tom_getHBlankWidthInPixels(void)
1012 return hblankWidthInPixels;
1015 uint32 tom_getVideoModeWidth(void)
1017 //These widths are pretty bogus. Should use HDB1/2 & HDE/HBB & PWIDTH to calc the width...
1018 // uint32 width[8] = { 1330, 665, 443, 332, 266, 222, 190, 166 };
1019 //Temporary, for testing Doom...
1020 // uint32 width[8] = { 1330, 665, 443, 332, 266, 222, 190, 332 };
1022 // Note that the following PWIDTH values have the following pixel aspect ratios:
1023 // PWIDTH = 1 -> 0.25:1 (1:4) pixels (X:Y ratio)
1024 // PWIDTH = 2 -> 0.50:1 (1:2) pixels
1025 // PWIDTH = 3 -> 0.75:1 (3:4) pixels
1026 // PWIDTH = 4 -> 1.00:1 (1:1) pixels
1027 // PWIDTH = 5 -> 1.25:1 (5:4) pixels
1028 // PWIDTH = 6 -> 1.50:1 (3:2) pixels
1029 // PWIDTH = 7 -> 1.75:1 (7:4) pixels
1030 // PWIDTH = 8 -> 2.00:1 (2:1) pixels
1032 // Also note that the JTRM says that PWIDTH of 4 gives pixels that are "about" square--
1033 // this implies that the other modes have pixels that are *not* square!
1034 // Also, I seriously doubt that you will see any games that use PWIDTH = 1!
1036 // NOTE: Even though the PWIDTH value is + 1, here we're using a zero-based index and
1037 // so we don't bother to add one...
1038 // return width[(GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9];
1040 // Now, we just calculate it...
1041 /* uint16 hdb1 = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1), hde = GET16(tom_ram_8, HDE),
1042 hbb = GET16(tom_ram_8, HBB), pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
1043 // return ((hbb < hde ? hbb : hde) - hdb1) / pwidth;
1044 //Temporary, for testing Doom...
1045 return ((hbb < hde ? hbb : hde) - hdb1) / (pwidth == 8 ? 4 : pwidth);*/
1047 // To make it easier to make a quasi-fixed display size, we restrict the viewing
1048 // area to an arbitrary range of the Horizontal Count.
1049 uint16 pwidth = ((GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE) & PWIDTH) >> 9) + 1;
1051 //Temporary, for testing Doom...
1052 // return (RIGHT_VISIBLE_HC - LEFT_VISIBLE_HC) / (pwidth == 8 ? 4 : pwidth);
1053 //// return (RIGHT_VISIBLE_HC - LEFT_VISIBLE_HC) / (pwidth == 4 ? 8 : pwidth);
1055 // More speculating...
1056 // According to the JTRM, the number of potential pixels across is given by the
1057 // Horizontal Period (HP - in NTSC this is 845). The Horizontal Count counts from
1058 // zero to this value twice per scanline (the high bit is set on the second count).
1059 // HBE and HBB define the absolute "black" limits of the screen, while HDB1/2 and
1060 // HDE determine the extent of the OP "on" time. I.e., when the OP is turned on by
1061 // HDB1, it starts fetching the line from position 0 in LBUF.
1063 // The trick, it would seem, is to figure out how long the typical visible scanline
1064 // of a TV is in HP ticks and limit the visible area to that (divided by PWIDTH, of
1065 // course). Using that length, we can establish an "absolute left display limit" with
1066 // which to measure HBB & HDB1/2 against when rendering LBUF (i.e., if HDB1 is 20 ticks
1067 // to the right of the ALDL and PWIDTH is 4, then start writing the LBUF starting at
1068 // backbuffer + 5 pixels).
1070 // That's basically what we're doing now...!
1073 // *** SPECULATION ***
1074 // It might work better to virtualize the height settings, i.e., set the vertical
1075 // height at 240 lines and clip using the VDB and VDE/VP registers...
1076 // Same with the width... [Width is pretty much virtualized now.]
1078 // Now that that the width is virtualized, let's virtualize the height. :-)
1079 uint32 tom_getVideoModeHeight(void)
1081 // uint16 vmode = GET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE);
1082 // uint16 vbe = GET16(tom_ram_8, VBE);
1083 // uint16 vbb = GET16(tom_ram_8, VBB);
1084 // uint16 vdb = GET16(tom_ram_8, VDB);
1085 // uint16 vde = GET16(tom_ram_8, VDE);
1086 // uint16 vp = GET16(tom_ram_8, VP);
1088 /* if (vde == 0xFFFF)
1091 // return 227;//WAS:(vde/*-vdb*/) >> 1;
1092 // The video mode height probably works this way:
1093 // VC counts from 0 to VP. VDB starts the OP. Either when
1094 // VDE is reached or VP, the OP is stopped. Let's try it...
1095 // Also note that we're conveniently ignoring interlaced display modes...!
1096 // return ((vde > vp ? vp : vde) - vdb) >> 1;
1097 // return ((vde > vbb ? vbb : vde) - vdb) >> 1;
1098 //Let's try from the Vertical Blank interval...
1100 // return (vbb - vbe) >> 1; // Again, doesn't take interlacing into account...
1101 // This of course doesn't take interlacing into account. But I haven't seen any
1102 // Jaguar software that takes advantage of it either...
1103 //Also, doesn't reflect PAL Jaguar either... !!! FIX !!! [DONE]
1104 // return 240; // Set virtual screen height to 240 lines...
1105 return (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC ? 240 : 256);
1110 // Now PAL friendly!
1112 void tom_reset(void)
1116 //This should be done by JERRY! pcm_reset();
1118 memset(tom_ram_8, 0x00, 0x4000);
1120 if (vjs.hardwareTypeNTSC)
1122 SET16(tom_ram_8, MEMCON1, 0x1861);
1123 SET16(tom_ram_8, MEMCON2, 0x35CC);
1124 SET16(tom_ram_8, HP, 844); // Horizontal Period (1-based; HP=845)
1125 SET16(tom_ram_8, HBB, 1713); // Horizontal Blank Begin
1126 SET16(tom_ram_8, HBE, 125); // Horizontal Blank End
1127 SET16(tom_ram_8, HDE, 1665); // Horizontal Display End
1128 SET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1, 203); // Horizontal Display Begin 1
1129 SET16(tom_ram_8, VP, 523); // Vertical Period (1-based; in this case VP = 524)
1130 SET16(tom_ram_8, VBE, 24); // Vertical Blank End
1131 SET16(tom_ram_8, VDB, 38); // Vertical Display Begin
1132 SET16(tom_ram_8, VDE, 518); // Vertical Display End
1133 SET16(tom_ram_8, VBB, 500); // Vertical Blank Begin
1134 SET16(tom_ram_8, VS, 517); // Vertical Sync
1135 SET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE, 0x06C1);
1139 SET16(tom_ram_8, MEMCON1, 0x1861);
1140 SET16(tom_ram_8, MEMCON2, 0x35CC);
1141 SET16(tom_ram_8, HP, 850); // Horizontal Period
1142 SET16(tom_ram_8, HBB, 1711); // Horizontal Blank Begin
1143 SET16(tom_ram_8, HBE, 158); // Horizontal Blank End
1144 SET16(tom_ram_8, HDE, 1665); // Horizontal Display End
1145 SET16(tom_ram_8, HDB1, 203); // Horizontal Display Begin 1
1146 SET16(tom_ram_8, VP, 623); // Vertical Period (1-based; in this case VP = 624)
1147 SET16(tom_ram_8, VBE, 34); // Vertical Blank End
1148 SET16(tom_ram_8, VDB, 38); // Vertical Display Begin
1149 SET16(tom_ram_8, VDE, 518); // Vertical Display End
1150 SET16(tom_ram_8, VBB, 600); // Vertical Blank Begin
1151 SET16(tom_ram_8, VS, 618); // Vertical Sync
1152 SET16(tom_ram_8, VMODE, 0x06C1);
1155 tom_width = tom_real_internal_width = 0;
1158 tom_jerry_int_pending = 0;
1159 tom_timer_int_pending = 0;
1160 tom_object_int_pending = 0;
1161 tom_gpu_int_pending = 0;
1162 tom_video_int_pending = 0;
1164 tom_timer_prescaler = 0; // TOM PIT is disabled
1165 tom_timer_divider = 0;
1166 tom_timer_counter = 0;
1167 memcpy(scanline_render, scanline_render_normal, sizeof(scanline_render));
1171 // TOM byte access (read)
1173 uint8 TOMReadByte(uint32 offset, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/)
1175 //???Is this needed???
1176 // It seems so. Perhaps it's the +$8000 offset being written to (32-bit interface)?
1177 // However, the 32-bit interface is WRITE ONLY, so that can't be it...
1178 // Also, the 68K CANNOT make use of the 32-bit interface, since its bus width is only 16-bits...
1179 // offset &= 0xFF3FFF;
1182 WriteLog("TOM: Reading byte at %06X\n", offset);
1185 if ((offset >= GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE+0x20))
1186 return GPUReadByte(offset, who);
1187 else if ((offset >= GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE+0x1000))
1188 return GPUReadByte(offset, who);
1189 else if ((offset >= 0xF00010) && (offset < 0xF00028))
1190 return OPReadByte(offset, who);
1191 else if ((offset >= 0xF02200) && (offset < 0xF022A0))
1192 return BlitterReadByte(offset, who);
1193 else if (offset == 0xF00050)
1194 return tom_timer_prescaler >> 8;
1195 else if (offset == 0xF00051)
1196 return tom_timer_prescaler & 0xFF;
1197 else if (offset == 0xF00052)
1198 return tom_timer_divider >> 8;
1199 else if (offset == 0xF00053)
1200 return tom_timer_divider & 0xFF;
1202 return tom_ram_8[offset & 0x3FFF];
1206 // TOM word access (read)
1208 uint16 TOMReadWord(uint32 offset, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/)
1210 //???Is this needed???
1211 // offset &= 0xFF3FFF;
1213 WriteLog("TOM: Reading word at %06X\n", offset);
1215 if (offset >= 0xF02000 && offset <= 0xF020FF)
1216 WriteLog("TOM: Read attempted from GPU register file by %s (unimplemented)!\n", whoName[who]);
1218 if (offset == 0xF000E0)
1220 uint16 data = (tom_jerry_int_pending << 4) | (tom_timer_int_pending << 3)
1221 | (tom_object_int_pending << 2) | (tom_gpu_int_pending << 1)
1222 | (tom_video_int_pending << 0);
1223 //WriteLog("tom: interrupt status is 0x%.4x \n",data);
1226 //Shoud be handled by the jaguar main loop now... And it is! ;-)
1227 /* else if (offset == 0xF00006) // VC
1228 // What if we're in interlaced mode?
1229 // According to docs, in non-interlace mode VC is ALWAYS even...
1230 // return (tom_scanline << 1);// + 1;
1231 //But it's causing Rayman to be fucked up... Why???
1232 //Because VC is even in NI mode when calling the OP! That's why!
1233 return (tom_scanline << 1) + 1;//*/
1234 else if ((offset >= GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE+0x20))
1235 return GPUReadWord(offset, who);
1236 else if ((offset >= GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE+0x1000))
1237 return GPUReadWord(offset, who);
1238 else if ((offset >= 0xF00010) && (offset < 0xF00028))
1239 return OPReadWord(offset, who);
1240 else if ((offset >= 0xF02200) && (offset < 0xF022A0))
1241 return BlitterReadWord(offset, who);
1242 else if (offset == 0xF00050)
1243 return tom_timer_prescaler;
1244 else if (offset == 0xF00052)
1245 return tom_timer_divider;
1248 return (TOMReadByte(offset, who) << 8) | TOMReadByte(offset + 1, who);
1252 // TOM byte access (write)
1254 void TOMWriteByte(uint32 offset, uint8 data, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/)
1256 //???Is this needed???
1257 // Perhaps on the writes--32-bit writes that is! And masked with FF7FFF...
1261 WriteLog("TOM: Writing byte %02X at %06X\n", data, offset);
1264 if ((offset >= GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE+0x20))
1266 GPUWriteByte(offset, data, who);
1269 else if ((offset >= GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE+0x1000))
1271 GPUWriteByte(offset, data, who);
1274 else if ((offset >= 0xF00010) && (offset < 0xF00028))
1276 OPWriteByte(offset, data, who);
1279 else if ((offset >= 0xF02200) && (offset < 0xF022A0))
1281 BlitterWriteByte(offset, data, who);
1284 else if (offset == 0xF00050)
1286 tom_timer_prescaler = (tom_timer_prescaler & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
1290 else if (offset == 0xF00051)
1292 tom_timer_prescaler = (tom_timer_prescaler & 0xFF00) | data;
1296 else if (offset == 0xF00052)
1298 tom_timer_divider = (tom_timer_divider & 0x00FF) | (data << 8);
1302 else if (offset == 0xF00053)
1304 tom_timer_divider = (tom_timer_divider & 0xFF00) | data;
1308 else if (offset >= 0xF00400 && offset <= 0xF007FF) // CLUT (A & B)
1310 // Writing to one CLUT writes to the other
1311 offset &= 0x5FF; // Mask out $F00600 (restrict to $F00400-5FF)
1312 tom_ram_8[offset] = data, tom_ram_8[offset + 0x200] = data;
1315 tom_ram_8[offset & 0x3FFF] = data;
1319 // TOM word access (write)
1321 void TOMWriteWord(uint32 offset, uint16 data, uint32 who/*=UNKNOWN*/)
1323 //???Is this needed???
1327 WriteLog("TOM: Writing word %04X at %06X\n", data, offset);
1329 if (offset == 0xF00000 + MEMCON1)
1330 WriteLog("TOM: Memory Configuration 1 written by %s: %04X\n", whoName[who], data);
1331 if (offset == 0xF00000 + MEMCON2)
1332 WriteLog("TOM: Memory Configuration 2 written by %s: %04X\n", whoName[who], data);
1333 if (offset >= 0xF02000 && offset <= 0xF020FF)
1334 WriteLog("TOM: Write attempted to GPU register file by %s (unimplemented)!\n", whoName[who]);
1336 if ((offset >= GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_CONTROL_RAM_BASE+0x20))
1338 GPUWriteWord(offset, data, who);
1341 else if ((offset >= GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE) && (offset < GPU_WORK_RAM_BASE+0x1000))
1343 GPUWriteWord(offset, data, who);
1346 //What's so special about this?
1347 /* else if ((offset >= 0xF00000) && (offset < 0xF00002))
1349 TOMWriteByte(offset, data >> 8);
1350 TOMWriteByte(offset+1, data & 0xFF);
1352 else if ((offset >= 0xF00010) && (offset < 0xF00028))
1354 OPWriteWord(offset, data, who);
1357 else if (offset == 0xF00050)
1359 tom_timer_prescaler = data;
1363 else if (offset == 0xF00052)
1365 tom_timer_divider = data;
1369 else if (offset == 0xF000E0)
1373 tom_video_int_pending = 0;
1375 tom_gpu_int_pending = 0;
1377 tom_object_int_pending = 0;
1379 tom_timer_int_pending = 0;
1381 tom_jerry_int_pending = 0;
1383 else if ((offset >= 0xF02200) && (offset <= 0xF0229F))
1385 BlitterWriteWord(offset, data, who);
1388 else if (offset >= 0xF00400 && offset <= 0xF007FE) // CLUT (A & B)
1390 // Writing to one CLUT writes to the other
1391 offset &= 0x5FF; // Mask out $F00600 (restrict to $F00400-5FF)
1392 // Watch out for unaligned writes here! (Not fixed yet)
1393 SET16(tom_ram_8, offset, data), SET16(tom_ram_8, offset + 0x200, data);
1397 if (offset == 0x28) // VMODE (Why? Why not OBF?)
1398 objectp_running = 1;
1400 if (offset >= 0x30 && offset <= 0x4E)
1401 data &= 0x07FF; // These are (mostly) 11-bit registers
1402 if (offset == 0x2E || offset == 0x36 || offset == 0x54)
1403 data &= 0x03FF; // These are all 10-bit registers
1405 TOMWriteByte(offset, data >> 8, who);
1406 TOMWriteByte(offset+1, data & 0xFF, who);
1409 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Display Begin written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1411 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Display End written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1413 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Period written by %s: %u (%sinterlaced)\n", whoName[who], data, (data & 0x01 ? "non-" : ""));
1415 WriteLog("TOM: Horizontal Display Begin 1 written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1417 WriteLog("TOM: Horizontal Display End written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1419 WriteLog("TOM: Horizontal Period written by %s: %u (+1*2 = %u)\n", whoName[who], data, (data + 1) * 2);
1421 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Blank Begin written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1423 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Blank End written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1425 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Sync written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1427 WriteLog("TOM: Vertical Interrupt written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1429 WriteLog("TOM: Horizontal Blank Begin written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1431 WriteLog("TOM: Horizontal Blank End written by %s: %u\n", whoName[who], data);
1432 if (offset == VMODE)
1433 WriteLog("TOM: Video Mode written by %s: %04X. PWIDTH = %u, MODE = %s, flags:%s%s (VC = %u)\n", whoName[who], data, ((data >> 9) & 0x07) + 1, videoMode_to_str[(data & MODE) >> 1], (data & BGEN ? " BGEN" : ""), (data & VARMOD ? " VARMOD" : ""), GET16(tom_ram_8, VC));
1435 // detect screen resolution changes
1436 //This may go away in the future, if we do the virtualized screen thing...
1437 //This may go away soon!
1438 if ((offset >= 0x28) && (offset <= 0x4F))
1440 uint32 width = tom_getVideoModeWidth(), height = tom_getVideoModeHeight();
1441 tom_real_internal_width = width;
1443 if ((width != tom_width) || (height != tom_height))
1445 tom_width = width, tom_height = height;
1446 ResizeScreen(tom_width, tom_height);
1451 int tom_irq_enabled(int irq)
1453 // This is the correct byte in big endian... D'oh!
1454 // return jaguar_byte_read(0xF000E1) & (1 << irq);
1455 return tom_ram_8[INT1 + 1/*0xE1*/] & (1 << irq);
1459 /*void tom_set_irq_latch(int irq, int enabled)
1461 tom_ram_8[0xE0] = (tom_ram_8[0xE0] & (~(1<<irq))) | (enabled ? (1<<irq) : 0);
1465 /*uint16 tom_irq_control_reg(void)
1467 return (tom_ram_8[0xE0] << 8) | tom_ram_8[0xE1];
1470 void TOMResetPIT(void)
1472 //Probably should *add* this amount to the counter to retain cycle accuracy! !!! FIX !!! [DONE]
1473 //Also, why +1??? 'Cause that's what it says in the JTRM...!
1474 //There is a small problem with this approach: If both the prescaler and the divider are equal
1475 //to $FFFF then the counter won't be large enough to handle it. !!! FIX !!!
1476 if (tom_timer_prescaler)
1477 tom_timer_counter += (1 + tom_timer_prescaler) * (1 + tom_timer_divider);
1478 // WriteLog("tom: reseting timer to 0x%.8x (%i)\n",tom_timer_counter,tom_timer_counter);
1482 // TOM Programmable Interrupt Timer handler
1483 // NOTE: TOM's PIT is only enabled if the prescaler is != 0
1485 void TOMExecPIT(uint32 cycles)
1487 if (tom_timer_prescaler)
1489 tom_timer_counter -= cycles;
1491 if (tom_timer_counter <= 0)
1493 tom_set_pending_timer_int();
1494 GPUSetIRQLine(GPUIRQ_TIMER, ASSERT_LINE); // GPUSetIRQLine does the 'IRQ enabled' checking
1495 if (tom_irq_enabled(IRQ_TIMER))//get rid of this crap -> && jaguar_interrupt_handler_is_valid(64))
1496 m68k_set_irq(7); // Cause a 68000 NMI...